RTIR 4.4.4 installation on Centos 7 "working if possible"

When I try to config the user name from the former webpage and try to check the db connectivity I get the following error:

** * Failed to connect to database: Access denied for user ‘root’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES)**

Can you confirm that you are able to access your database using root and your password outside of RT?

I cant. There is a problem with the database or something.
Strange that I can access RT with lynx through the console on the server where RT is installed but I cant see it from a browser in another computer, from here I can just access the apache on the RT server.
And with lynx the only page I access is the login page. I introduce credentials root and root password and never login, it keeps asking for the user and pass.
As said before I had to do so many workarounds that this installation is kind of dirty (touching and testing many different things to see if this or that works…) and some things could be missing or misconfigured. Even I think is almost done. Im close to there and just some bits missing.
Is not yet clear which users are from DB and which from RT …

Do you have shell access to the RT server? Which database are you using?

Yes, ssh access to the RT centos7 server
mysql and I think that mariadb and postgress are also installed by the install scripts ? <<<— this is what I mean by dirty install, there is a mysql for sure and I suspect that there are also some other DBs (Im not sure about how the internal architecture works).
I feel unsure of what Im installing and why it fails …

Are these install scripts RT scripts or package scripts? If you’re using MySQL you should be able to ssh onto the server and run mysql -u root -p and test if the user/password for the database you are trying to use on the RT set-up page are correct

I meant the scripts from both rt and other packages as following the best practical for centos7 install guide.
I tried to login into the DB with mysql -u root and I succeeded. I get the prompt from MariaDB

I think you need to workout whether you’re using postgres or mysql/mariadb. In the earlier part of this thread it looked like postgres, but now you’re trying mysql? You need to pick one or the other and then install using that database driver.

If the install is “dirty”, you might want to start again with it “clean” so that you’re clear what is being installed.

please can you send the codes you ran for all dependencies to be found i have been having this same issue since 2 days now.

thank you.

hi everyone i have been trying to initialize my postgres db, here are my error:

psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user “postgres”

pls should i do to solve it.
postgres version=9.2 on centos 7
thank you.

Not to be a killjoy here, but PostgreSQL 9.2 has been an unsupported release by the PostgreSQL community for 3 years as well as having been released in 2012. There have been many, many, many improvements over the years. I recommend version 12.2.


Last login: Tue Apr 21 13:39:50 2020 from
[root@localhost ~]# /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server --port 80
Use of uninitialized value $RT::WebBaseURL in concatenation (.) or string at /op t/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm line 54.
[3182] [Tue Apr 21 13:53:46 2020] [critical]: Unable to load DBIx::SearchBuilder database handle for ‘pg’.
Perhaps you’ve picked an invalid database type or spelled it incorrectly.
Can’t locate DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle/pg.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /opt/rt4/sb in/…/local/lib /opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/per l5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /u sr/share/perl5 .) at /opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib/RT/Handle.pm line 89. (/opt/rt4/sbin/. ./lib/RT.pm:408)
[3182] [Tue Apr 21 13:53:46 2020] [critical]: Unable to load DBIx::SearchBuilder database handle for ‘pg’.
Perhaps you’ve picked an invalid database type or spelled it incorrectly.
Can’t locate DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle/pg.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /opt/rt4/sb in/…/local/lib /opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/per l5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /u sr/share/perl5 .) at /opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib/RT/Handle.pm line 89.
Compilation failed in require at /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server line 94. (/opt/rt4/sbin /…/lib/RT.pm:408)
Unable to load DBIx::SearchBuilder database handle for ‘pg’.
Perhaps you’ve picked an invalid database type or spelled it incorrectly.
Can’t locate DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle/pg.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /opt/rt4/sb in/…/local/lib /opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/per l5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /u sr/share/perl5 .) at /opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib/RT/Handle.pm line 89.
Compilation failed in require at /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server line 94.
here is my RT_SiteConf.pm
Set( $rtname, ‘rt4’);
Set($Organization , “dxt”);
Set($Timezone , ‘US/Eastern’);

Set($DatabaseAdmin, “postgres”);
Set($DatabaseName, “rt4”, q{rt4});
Set($DatabaseType, “pg”);
Set($DatabaseHost, “localhost”);
Set($DatabaseRTHost , “localhost”);
Set($DatabasePort, ‘’);
Set($DatabaseUser, “rt_user”);
Set($DatabasePassword, “desmond”, q{rt_pass});
Set($WebPath, “/rt”);
Set($WebDomain, “”);

Set($WebPort , 80);
Set($WebURL, $WebBaseURL . $WebPath . “/”);
Set($WebImagesURL, RT->Config->Get(‘WebPath’) . “/static/images/”);
Set($LogoURL, RT->Config->Get(‘WebImagesURL’) . “request-tracker-logo.png”);
Set($LogoLinkURL, “http://bestpractical.com”);
Set($LogoAltText, “Request Tracker logo”);
Set($WebNoAuthRegex, qr{^ (?:/+NoAuth/ | /+REST/\d+.\d+/NoAuth/) }x );
Set($WebBaseURL , “$WebPort”);
Set($OwnerEmail , ‘root’);
Set($RTAddressRegexp, ‘loclhost’);
Set($CorrespondAddress , ‘’);
Set($CommentAddress , ‘’);
Set($CanonicalizeRedirectURLs, 1);
Set($CanonicalizeURLsInFeeds, 1);

Set($LogoAltText, “Request Tracker logo”);
Set($LogToSyslog, “info”);
Set($LogToSTDERR, “info”);

Set($LogToFile, undef);
Set($LogDir, q{var/log});
Set(@LogToSyslogConf, ());
Set($LogoURL, RT->Config->Get(‘WebImagesURL’) . “request-tracker-logo.png”);
here is my rt4.conf file
RT4 configuration for Apache

With minor changes, this configuration is based on the original documentation:

Web deployment - RT 4.4.2 Documentation - Best Practical

Optional apache logs for RT

Ensure that your log rotation scripts know about these files

ErrorLog /opt/rt4/var/log/apache2.error

TransferLog /opt/rt4/var/log/apache2.access

LogLevel debug

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

ScriptAlias / /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi/

DocumentRoot “/opt/rt4/share/html”

# For Centos7/Apache 2.4 use this line: Require all granted

For Centos6/Apache 2.2 use these two lines:

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler fcgid-script fcgi

yet am still having this error;
The requested URL /rt was not found on this server.
pls help.

Is Pg case sensitive? if so, it shouldn’t be “pg”. I think @greenjimll has already mentioned it, but I would strongly urge you to look at a support package from Best Practical as you appear to be struggling with the install

but i cant login
what should i do pls advice.
this is the error message am receiving when i run: /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server --port 8080

[root@localhost ~]# /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server --port 8080
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig .pm line 54.
Use of uninitialized value $RT::port in numeric eq (==) at /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.p m line 61.
Use of uninitialized value $RT::port in numeric ne (!=) at /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.p m line 61.
Use of uninitialized value $RT::port in numeric ne (!=) at /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.p m line 61.
Use of uninitialized value $RT::port in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/rt4/etc/RT_ SiteConfig.pm line 61.
[2016] [Thu Apr 23 20:40:57 2020] [error]: The WebURL config option must contain a sche me (http or https) (/opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib/RT/Config.pm:979)
[2019] [Thu Apr 23 20:41:18 2020] [warning]: The requested host ( does N OT match the configured WebDomain (localhost). Perhaps you should Set($WebDomain, ‘192 .168.40.132’); in RT_SiteConfig.pm, otherwise your internal hyperlinks may be broken. ( /opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:1335)
[2019] [Thu Apr 23 20:41:19 2020] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for root from (/op t/rt4/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:827)

pls assist.

NOTE: The default credentials for RT are:
User: root
Pass: password
Not changing the root password from the default is a SECURITY risk!

Are you using the default password?

Hi everyone, this is my RT at a glance but some features are not functioning like creating of users, creating of tickets and so on pls what should i do next and i want to add the IR extension pls your contributions are highly and links are appreciated thank you.

What errors are you seeing?

@knation this the error message am getting when i want to do anything from the RT at a glance i share previously.

pls any link or self documentation can go along way thank you.

That means your web domain config option is set to “localhost”, it should be set to what domain you plan on using in your browser:


from the documentation they said the hostname of the server were RT is stored and the server, that is why i left it as localhost since that is the hostname of the server am using.