Install RT4, error free!

Hello All,

Please need you support, I’m at the very beginning… I’m running the command


at RT5 folder and, it returns the error

checking for perl… not found
configure: erro: cannot use RT without perl

perl -v

This is perl 5, version 34, subversion 0 (v5.34.0) built for x86_64-linux

OS: RedHat 8

Hmm that’s strange, whats the output of which perl?

which perl

returns: /usr/local/bin/perl

I’ve fixed the perl issue.

Now I’m running the make fixdeps and its returning

MYSQL dependencies:

DBD::mysql >= 2.1018, != 4.042… MISSING

Trying to install manually, I’m receiving the error bellow.

Test Summary Report

t/rt118977-zerofill.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 8 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 8
Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=73, Tests=2315, 37 wallclock secs ( 0.35 usr 0.09 sys + 5.76 cusr 0.90 csys = 7.10 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/73 test programs. 1/2315 subtests failed.
make: *** [Makefile:1216: test_dynamic] Error 255
/bin/make test – NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
reports DVEEDEN/DBD-mysql-4.050.tar.gz
Failed during this command:
DVEEDEN/DBD-mysql-4.050.tar.gz : make_test NO

cpan[6]> reports DVEEDEN/DBD-mysql-4.050.tar.gz
Distribution: D/DV/DVEEDEN/DBD-mysql-4.050.tar.gz
Fetching ‘’…DONE

Catching error: “CPAN::Exception::yaml_process_error=HASH(0x55f8996c33c0)” at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/ line 392.
CPAN::shell() called at -e line 1

Any help please

Did you install MySQL via the RedHat package manager?

I’ve installed the mysql and mysql-server via yum install

fixed the DBD::mysql

Hello Guys,

Coming again to you guys to ask for Help in this journey of installing trying to get RT running for my team…

I’ve finished the installation… now I’m trying to configure it… with make initialize-database and it raises the error bellow, any hint?

[540388] [Tue Aug 10 12:27:38 2021] [critical]: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘Groups (
Name varchar(200) NULL ,
De’ at line 1 at /home/sagisc/rt-5.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 551. (/home/sagisc/rt-5.0.1/sbin/…/lib/
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘Groups (
Name varchar(200) NULL ,
De’ at line 1 at /home/sagisc/rt-5.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 551.
make: *** [Makefile:390: initialize-database] Error 11

Are you using MySQL 8? RT doesn’t support that version of MySQL yet as there are some breaking changes

Hi @knation

Thanks for your reply. My mistake :frowning:
On README It says MySQL 5.7 and I haven’t seen that.
I’ll remove the MySQL installation and you know any progress.

If you’re comfortable with version control there is a Mysql 8 branch that should be mergeable into the 5.0.1 branch.
If you don’t know what I’m ta\king about or where to go from here this solution may not be for you. :slight_smile:

Hi All,

I’ve installed the MySQL 5.7 and the initialize-database worked as expected.

Its normally to be stuck after running the command sudo /opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server ? because in the README it says to run the command and follow the instructions, but I don’t receive any instructions after running the command.

Can you hit the web server from the browser?

Tried with Lynx and it open a login screen

Sounds like it works!

It seems that its working but… can you point me out to a guide for post installation process? Because in README its a little confused at least for me.

It says to look at step seven which points to this page:

a-ml, congrats. Unfortunately, RT does not hold your hand through the post-install process. It’s going to be it’s own separate, trial-by-error journey. :frowning: I ran into the same problem you did; there was absolutely no information about how to set up RT. I just had to Google it. Good luck!

Don’t forget folks that if you do get stuck you can always pay the nice folk at Best Practical for some consultancy to help you with RT. Still be cheaper than lots of other ticketing/helpdesk systems.


My person… bless you for all eternity for this. I have been trying to get an instance of RT5 up and running for a week now. Every single time I ran perl Makefile.PL I’d get the “Can’t open perl script ‘’: No such file or directory.” bs. I know this thread is almost 5 years old, but this is literally the only thing I’ve come across that makes perl Makefile.PL work without throwing an error.

I have followed every single guide and walkthrough down to the exact letter and have still ran into this specific “Can’t open perl script ‘’: No such file or directory.” issue. It didn’t matter which version of RT I was trying to install, or which version of Linux I was working with, or which release either for that matter. I’ve googled, I’ve posted on Reddit (which is usually where 95% of my Linux related help comes from), I’ve asked some of the guru’s around my office… nada. This is my saving grace. If I had money to spare, I’d send a ridiculous amount your way.

Again, bless you and may whatever god or person or spiritual being or spaghetti monster religion or cult or social gathering you follow and believe in bless you for your remaining days.

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