Inbound E-mail to server

RT could not load a valid user, and RT’s configuration does not allow for the creation of a new user for your email.

I’m guessing that root@server.domain.local is not the same as RTUSER, root.

Not unless you’ve told RT that this is the email address for the root user,
by editing root’s profile. The rest of the message is saying what you’re trying
to debug, you’re not allowing Unprivileged users (or Everyone) to create tickets
in whichever queue contains ticket 8 (or your general queue).

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I’m making some progress on this but I’m still having problems. It looks like, depending on the queue (reply and comment e-mail addresses), you have to assign certain permissions. I’m reading this article:

Now, the problem seems to be that I can send e-mail from the RT Server mailgateway, but when I try it from Outlook (using the queue comment e-mail address in the FROM field), I get an e-mail from RT saying:

“Problem with the e-mail addresses and the queue.”

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Chatham
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 15:34
To: Eric Chatham; ‘Jerrad Pierce’
Subject: RE: [rt-users] Inbound E-mail to server

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:rt-users-] On Behalf Of Eric Chatham
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:37
To: ‘Jerrad Pierce’
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Inbound E-mail to server

On Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:30, Jerrad Pierce wrote,

Try changing your subject line to [$Organization #ticket_id]

No go. I even tried $rtname.

Just to be clear, you’re using the value assigned to these variable
sin your site config,
and not the literal strings ‘$rtname’, correct? And a ticket with the
ID you’re using
already exists? And the account you’re emailing form has the necessary
ACLs to write
to the ticket?

I created a file called “mail” and tried sending it to the rt-mailgateway but
I receive an e-mail “error.”

cat mail | /opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue MIS --action comment --url

MAIL Message:

FROM: root@server.domain.local
TO: root@server.domain.local
Subject: [MIS #9] A test


ERROR E-mail Message from the server:

FROM: root@server.domain.local
TO: root@server.domain.local
Subject: Could not load a valid user

RT could not load a valid user, and RT’s configuration does not allow for the
creation of a new user for your email.

I’m guessing that root@server.domain.local is not the same as RTUSER, root.


CONFIDENTIAL. This e-mail and any attached files are confidential and should be destroyed and/or returned if you are not the intended and proper recipient.

Now, the problem seems to be that I can send e-mail from the RT Server mailgateway, but when I try it from Outlook (using the queue comment e-mail address in the FROM field), I get an e-mail from RT saying:
From?? You should be sending mail to the correspond or comment address from
a legitimate user.