Why I have not permission to create requests?


I have reply from RT:Subject: [Request-Tracker-System #0] (_rt_system) RT Error: test
From: root rt@peterlink.ru
To: tsp@peterlink.ru
X-Request-ID: 0
Precedence: bulk

There has been an error:
There has been an error with your request:
You don’t have permission to create requests in this queue

Your message is reproduced below:


Why I can’t to create request from my e-mail?

I send request to RT by:
rt: |“/etc/smrsh/rt-mailgate suppbase correspond”

using v1.0.4, Linux RH6.2, Perl 5.00503

Serge P. Torop
St.Petersburg, Russia

| Subject: [Request-Tracker-System #0] (_rt_system) RT Error: test
| From: root rt@peterlink.ru
| To: tsp@peterlink.ru
| Cc:
| X-Request-ID: 0
| Precedence: bulk
| There has been an error:
| There has been an error with your request:
| You don’t have permission to create requests in this queue

Mail users are by default unauthenticated; you need to check the “anyone
can create requests in this queue” checkbox in rt-admin. (You could also
use %RT USER / %RT PASS, but you probably don’t want that.)

brandon s. allbery [os/2][linux][solaris][japh] allbery@kf8nh.apk.net
system administrator [WAY too many hats] allbery@ece.cmu.edu
electrical and computer engineering KF8NH
carnegie mellon university [“better check the oblivious first” -ke6sls]

I have same symptom.

Though I checked the box “Allow non-members to create requests” at Queue Configuration menu of RT Web Administrator, the status is not changed.

Need more information why there is no permission to create request via


| Subject: [Request-Tracker-System #0] (_rt_system) RT Error: test
| From: root rt@peterlink.ru
| To: tsp@peterlink.ru
| Cc:
| X-Request-ID: 0
| Precedence: bulk
| There has been an error:
| There has been an error with your request:
| You don’t have permission to create requests in this queue

Mail users are by default unauthenticated; you need to check the
can create requests in this queue” checkbox in rt-admin. (You could
use %RT USER / %RT PASS, but you probably don’t want that.)

brandon s. allbery [os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator [WAY too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering
carnegie mellon university [“better check the oblivious first”

Kazu Kimura kimura@ctc.ad.jp
IP Network tech. dep. CTC
Phone +81-52-740-8101
Fax +81-52-740-8935