What is $HideUnsetFieldsOnDisplay?

Hi all,
The only note for the configuration variable in the docs says “hides unset
fields on ticket display”, which I knew from the variable name. But what is
an unset field, and is this on ticket creation as well? How do I unset a
field, or does it mean a field not filled in during ticket creation? I
hoped I could unset a few fields my work will never need, to take away some
clutter, such as ‘time worked’ or the article selection on a ticket reply.
Thanks for any explanations.

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department

Hi all,
The only note for the configuration variable in the docs says “hides unset
fields on ticket display”, which I knew from the variable name. But what is
an unset field, and is this on ticket creation as well? How do I unset a
field, or does it mean a field not filled in during ticket creation? I
hoped I could unset a few fields my work will never need, to take away some
clutter, such as ‘time worked’ or the article selection on a ticket reply.
Thanks for any explanations.

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department

Hi Alex,

When you are looking at the ticket display, the custom fields and their values
are listed, even ones that do not currently have a value. Setting this config
option determines whether empty value fields will be displayed. In 4.4, this
is a per-user preference setting.
