View as HTML

Hi all,

I have used next contribution (“AddHistoryToMail” 1) and it runs
perfectly :slight_smile:
My users’ problem they don’t want to see html code. In the correspond
mail appears: “acentuación”.

I have commented next line but the problem appears already.
“$content =~ s/<(([^ >]|\n)*)>//g; # strip HTML tags from text/html”

Do you know how I could resolve this?

Best regards,

Alberto Villanueva

C/Campezo, 1, Edificio 1
28022 Madrid, Spain
Tel : + 34 91 550 41 00
Fax: + 34 91 415 61 53

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En cumplimiento de la Ley Org�nica 15/1999, con fecha 13 de diciembre,
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sistema sin realizar copias.

I have used next contribution (“AddHistoryToMail” 1) and it runs
perfectly :slight_smile:
My users’ problem they don’t want to see html code. In the
correspond mail appears: “acentuación”.

I have commented next line but the problem appears already.
“$content =~ s/<(([^ >]|\n)*)>//g; # strip HTML tags from text/html”

Do you know how I could resolve this?

You could try using $transaction->Content(‘text/plain’); to retrieve
the text plain copy of an email, but if the content is only available
in text/html then you’ll need to use one of the perl modules for
stripping html (like we use in our ScrubHTML component) plus something
to resolve html entities, which is what you’re actually running into.
Or you could send HTML mail rather than plaintext email.
