Using date calcs in reports

Hi all,

I can currently export a list of tickets with most of the data I need like

rt list “queue = ‘myqueue’ and ( ( Status = ‘open’ or Status = ‘new’) OR
( Resolved > ‘$startdate’ ) )” -f
lastupdated,resolved > /tmp/report.tsv

Now… what I’d like to do is calculate the difference between Created &
Started… I’m pretty sure that Date::Calc - Delta_DHMS will give me what
I want… but I’m not sure how to use this in the query above. Is that even

I know that there’s an RT::Extension::SLA extension which I will also play
with in case it exposes some additional fields that give me the info I want
automagically… but figured I’d ask in case there is an easy way of using
this bit of perl to put the value I want into the output file in one step.



Hi all,

I can currently export a list of tickets with most of the data I need like

rt list “queue = ‘myqueue’ and ( ( Status = ‘open’ or Status = ‘new’) OR (
Resolved > ‘$startdate’ ) )” -f
lastupdated,resolved > /tmp/report.tsv

Now… what I’d like to do is calculate the difference between Created &
Started… I’m pretty sure that Date::Calc - Delta_DHMS will give me what
I want… but I’m not sure how to use this in the query above. Is that even

The following has not been tested with the ‘rt’ CLI tool.

You could extend RT::Ticket to create a function called
time_until_started, then create a ColumnMap for that new function.

I’ve written something similar to this (for 3.8) where I wanted to get
the “previous owner” of a ticket and be able to use that as a column
in searches. Attached is the code. I’m not sure if there are changes
necessary for 4.0 or 4.2.

There are 3 important files:




rt-extension-previousowner.tar.gz (29.9 KB)