I expect I must be doing something wrong during the upgrade process (or
must have the wrong version of something on my system).
We have run RT 3.6.5 for almost a year now and it works just fine - now
we have a request to upgrade to the latest and coolest version and I set
up a test box to see if it was feasible and whether any existing
functionality would break.
The box is CentOS 5.0 with all the upgrades and patches - Perl 5.8.8,
Mysql 5.0.22 and Apache 2.2.3
I recreated the RT database from a recent dump on the test box and RT
3.6.5 runs fine on the test box as it does on the “real” one - of course
I tarred and copied the original /opt/rt3 install, and that seems to be
ok too.
I followed the procedure outlined in the README and UPGRADE.mysql files
to upgrade to 3.8.1 (with some confusion - it’s not entirely clear
whether the sql.queries should be run before or after the
rt-setup-database --action upgrade command; I opted to do it first and
it seemed to work fine; more on this later)
The whole procedure runs seamlessly but when the Apache server is
started up and I log in, instead of the list of tickets i only see an
error message:
RT::ACLEquivalenceObjects Unimplemented in RT::Principal.
(/opt/rt3/bin/…/lib/RT/Principal_Overlay.pm line 327)
this message is displayed instead of the actual tickets even when I
I decided that 3.8.1 must be somewhat buggy so I went for 3.8.0, removed
everything, dropped the database and started over again
The README file gave a different set of instructions to upgrade the
database - instructions that did not actually work, the command had to
be repeated for each directory and in most cases it returned an error
because it could not find a schema.mysql file:
Couldn’t finish ‘schema’ step.
ERROR: Couldn’t find schema file(s) ‘*’
A Google search let me find out that the syntax used in 3.8.1 could be
used - but that gave me another error, namely
[Fri Sep 19 08:48:49 2008] [crit]: DBD::mysql::st execute failed:
Duplicate key name ‘CachedGroupMembers3’ at
/root/rt-3.8.0/sbin/…/lib/RT/Handle.pm line 463.
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate key name ‘CachedGroupMembers3’
at /root/rt-3.8.0/sbin/…/lib/RT/Handle.pm line 463.
If I removed the directory etc/upgrade/3.7.1 containing the offending
schema.mysql file (one line, an index creation) it all ran fine.
Unfortunately, when I started up Apache and logged in, I got exactly the
same error as 3.8.1. This message
suggested that perhaps I should run the rt-setup-database before i ran
the sql.queries generated fiel through mysql. Again, cleaned up
everything, started over again, same error.
Can someone please point out whan I’m doing wrong?