Timed notification to specified recipients

Hi all,

I configured the timed notofication based on this article:

It works well, but I send the notification only the recipients defined in the template (RT-Send-Cc). I don’t want to send it to the tickets’ watchers
How can I do it?

Thanks and Regards,


You can use the notify action and provide a template:

 --action RT::Action::Notify --action-arg 'AdminCc'  --template 'Some Template'

I believe instead of a ticket role like AdminCc you can add a hard coded email address like ‘someone@example.com’

Almost :slight_smile:

I got the following error:
[18385] [Wed Dec 1 13:00:11 2021] [critical]: Can’t call method “CreatorObj” on an undefined value at /opt/rt4/bin/…/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm line 1019. (/opt/rt4/bin/…/lib/RT.pm:408) Can’t call method “CreatorObj” on an undefined value at /opt/rt4/bin/…/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm line 1019.

I think I need to add the “–transaction first” parameter to the line, but I haven’t test it yet

So, yes, the --transaction is needed and I also changed the RT::Action::Notify to RT::Action::NotifyGroup because I want to use pure email address in --action-arg and the RT::Action::Notify didn’t like it.

@knation thanks for the hint :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing this information. It was useful.

Thanks this works really well for me.