
Im looking at a way to have all the users see their stats(basic count of
#of requests, resolved…etc) to be shown on the self service index page or
any other way of showing all of thier individual progress. What is the
easiest way this can be done?

Hi All,

As we are trying to increase the usage of RT within our operation, I
have had the inevitable PHB / Suit type question of the ability to get
reports and stats out of the system, some examples of this include:

Average time to resolution (overall / per queue / per month etc)
Number of new tickets (overall / per queue / per month etc)
Faults per queue

And anything else that one can think of.

Basically I want to know if anyone has done anything like this, (I hate
to reinvent the wheel), or if anyone has any suggestions …
unfortunatley management types like these easy to digest pretty graphs
and reports so they can waffle on in their board meetings whilst
everyone else gets on with the real work :wink:

