Some questions, a few oddities, and some must-haves

Herro (decided since I’m actually doing this for work, I would
actually post from work’s email, since I have little-to-no time to
read my own mail at home lately)!

Hey everyone! Running Centos 5.8, RT v4.0.5, Perl 5.8.8, Apache 2.2.3,
MySQL 5.5.21.

Some questions:

  1. Can I get a spellchecker to work in 4.0.5? We’re setting this up for
    some people here who require a spell checker, and Firefox/Chrome’s
    built-in will not work with RT’s ticket body boxes. :-/ If this is
    possible, is there a howto? I’ve read the wiki, but they all seem to be
    for 3.x.x, not 4.

  2. Is there an extension that lets me define a signature for separate
    queues? (It can be only per queue, it doesn’t have to be per-user.) So,
    a signature that all emails going out from queueA get, queueB has it’s
    own, queueC it’s own, etc.

Some concerns:

  1. I run RT 4.0.5 on my home server, and have since version 2. I set up
    4.0.5 here at work, and I noticed some oddities. The submenu disappears
    on submission of a form. (Screen captures are here:, pink is the work
    site, brown is the home server) Needless to say, my users are not liking
    this, and really, I’m finding it odd.

  2. Possibly related to #3, when I go to Tickets/New Search, I’ll fill
    out the criteria area, and hit “Add these terms and search”… blank
    results. Every time. And no submenu. (So the menu under the “New Ticket
    in” button that says “Edit Search” etc.) If I put the criteria in as
    “Add these terms” then click “Show results” in the submenu, I get
    results. Occasionally, I get the submenu. Oddness. :-/

As always,

Thank you in advance!

(Aside: Jesse–are there going to be any more RT training sessions in
the Northeast US in the near future?)

Glenn E. Sieb
System Administrator
+1 201 809-4958

80 Enterprise Avenue South
Secaucus, NJ 07094

  1. Can I get a spellchecker to work in 4.0.5? We’re setting this up
    for some people here who require a spell checker, and
    Firefox/Chrome’s built-in will not work with RT’s ticket body
    boxes. :-/ If this is possible, is there a howto? I’ve read the
    wiki, but they all seem to be for 3.x.x, not 4.

Firefox and Chrome’s spellcheckers work fine. In fact, I get the
highlighting as I type. If that doesn’t work, hold control when you
right-click to get to your spellchecker menu.

  1. Is there an extension that lets me define a signature for
    separate queues? (It can be only per queue, it doesn’t have to be
    per-user.) So, a signature that all emails going out from queueA
    get, queueB has it’s own, queueC it’s own, etc.

There isn’t a feature for this in the message editor, but you could
certainly add queue specific Correspondence templates that contain a

  1. I run RT 4.0.5 on my home server, and have since version 2. I set
    up 4.0.5 here at work, and I noticed some oddities. The submenu
    disappears on submission of a form. (Screen captures are here:, pink is the
    work site, brown is the home server) Needless to say, my users are
    not liking this, and really, I’m finding it odd.
  1. Possibly related to #3, when I go to Tickets/New Search, I’ll
    fill out the criteria area, and hit “Add these terms and search”…
    blank results. Every time. And no submenu. (So the menu under the
    “New Ticket in” button that says “Edit Search” etc.) If I put the
    criteria in as “Add these terms” then click “Show results” in the
    submenu, I get results. Occasionally, I get the submenu. Oddness.

There were a few fixes to submenus in 4.0.6. If you have replication
recipes for 4.0.6, please file a bug with them.



Firefox and Chrome’s spellcheckers work fine. In fact, I get the
highlighting as I type. If that doesn’t work, hold control when you
right-click to get to your spellchecker menu.

After being frustrated with the “will control right-click work or not”
(since it seemed it kind of worked sometimes but not most times here),
we went and replaced the ckeditor included with RT (in
/$RTHOME/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor with a newer version from
their website ( We popped in a
/$RTHOME/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/config.js that looks like this:

Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or CKEditor OSS License

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
// Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
// config.language = ‘fr’;
// config.uiColor = ‘#AADC6E’;
config.scayt_autoStartup = true;
config.toolbar_Full =
{ name: ‘document’, items : [
] },
{ name: ‘clipboard’, items : [
‘Cut’,‘Copy’,‘Paste’,‘PasteText’,‘PasteFromWord’,‘-’,‘Undo’,‘Redo’ ] },
{ name: ‘editing’, items : [
‘Find’,‘Replace’,‘-’,‘SelectAll’,‘-’, ‘Scayt’ ] },
{ name: ‘basicstyles’, items : [
] },
{ name: ‘paragraph’, items : [
] },
{ name: ‘links’, items : [ ‘Link’,‘Unlink’,‘Anchor’ ] },
{ name: ‘styles’, items : [
‘Styles’,‘Format’,‘Font’,‘FontSize’ ] },
{ name: ‘colors’, items : [ ‘TextColor’,‘BGColor’ ] },
{ name: ‘tools’, items : [ ‘ShowBlocks’,‘-’,‘About’ ] }
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
config.shiftEnterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_P;
config.enableTabKeyTools = true;
config.htmlEncodeOutput = false;

config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false;
config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl = true;

config.toolbarStartupExpanded = true;
config.font_names =
‘Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;’ +
‘Courier New/Courier New, Courier, monospace;’ +
‘Georgia/Georgia, serif;’ +
‘Lucida Sans Unicode/Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;’ +
‘Tahoma/Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;’ +
‘Times New Roman/Times New Roman, Times, serif;’ +
‘Trebuchet MS/Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif;’ +
‘Verdana/Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif’;


This turns on SCAYT by default, and removes the after-the-fact
spellcheck button which seems to throw errors, and removes other stuff
we don’t necessarily care about (like bullets, forms, etc.).

We also set the toolbarStartupExpanded to true so it was just there for
our Customer Service reps. Since SCAYT is running by default, they’ll
see their typos, and right-clicking will do what you expect it to,
without the CTRL key.

  1. Is there an extension that lets me define a signature for
    separate queues? (It can be only per queue, it doesn’t have to be
    per-user.) So, a signature that all emails going out from queueA
    get, queueB has it’s own, queueC it’s own, etc.
    There isn’t a feature for this in the message editor, but you could
    certainly add queue specific Correspondence templates that contain a

True. I suppose I can capture their Real Name as a perl-enabled-scrip
and pop it in the signature as well. Thanks! :slight_smile:

  1. I run RT 4.0.5 on my home server, and have since version 2. I set
    up 4.0.5 here at work, and I noticed some oddities. The submenu
    disappears on submission of a form. (Screen captures are here:, pink is the
    work site, brown is the home server) Needless to say, my users are
    not liking this, and really, I’m finding it odd.
  2. Possibly related to #3, when I go to Tickets/New Search, I’ll
    fill out the criteria area, and hit “Add these terms and search”…
    blank results. Every time. And no submenu. (So the menu under the
    “New Ticket in” button that says “Edit Search” etc.) If I put the
    criteria in as “Add these terms” then click “Show results” in the
    submenu, I get results. Occasionally, I get the submenu. Oddness.
    There were a few fixes to submenus in 4.0.6. If you have replication
    recipes for 4.0.6, please file a bug with them.

I’m running 4.0.5, which was the latest release when I installed RT a
month ago. I will have to try and come up with a maintenance window to
install 4.0.6 now. :slight_smile:

BTW, my server (the screenshot with the brown background) is my
server. My work server belongs to the company I work for. They do not
replicate with one another. I merely showed them as a comparison as to
what seemed weird.

Thanks, Kevin!

Glenn E. Sieb
System Administrator
+1 201 809-4958

80 Enterprise Avenue South
Secaucus, NJ 07094

Firefox and Chrome’s spellcheckers work fine. In fact, I get the
highlighting as I type. If that doesn’t work, hold control when
you right-click to get to your spellchecker menu.

After being frustrated with the “will control right-click work or
not” (since it seemed it kind of worked sometimes but not most times
here), we went and replaced the ckeditor included with RT (in
/$RTHOME/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor with a newer version
from their website ( We popped in a
/$RTHOME/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/config.js that looks
like this:

We tend to upgrade ckeditor in stable releases when there are severe
bugs that it fixes. If there are bugfixes that would be useful to
have, the rt bugtracker is the right place to document them.

There were a few fixes to submenus in 4.0.6. If you have replication
recipes for 4.0.6, please file a bug with them.

BTW, my server (the screenshot with the brown background) is my
server. My work server belongs to the company I work for. They do
not replicate with one another. I merely showed them as a comparison
as to what seemed weird.

I didn’t say they replicated, I requested replication recipes against


We tend to upgrade ckeditor in stable releases when there are severe
bugs that it fixes. If there are bugfixes that would be useful to
have, the rt bugtracker is the right place to document them.

Fair enough. Thought that if someone else on this list wanted to check
out what we did, I’d post it here so it could be searched in the
archives. I tried setting our changes to the config.js to the built-in
ckeditor RT is using, and my ass-u-me-ption is that RT’s version doesn’t
have the spellcheck built in since ckeditor disappears on the ticket
creation/etc screens at that point. shrug No biggie. Popped in the new
ckeditor version and nifty as nifty can be.

BTW, my server (the screenshot with the brown background) is my
server. My work server belongs to the company I work for. They do
not replicate with one another. I merely showed them as a comparison
as to what seemed weird.
I didn’t say they replicated, I requested replication recipes against

Ok, I’m completely confuzzled by both the original statement, and this
one. You want recipes for database replication? Or you wanted to know
how my server(s) (personal and work) were both set up? I thought that
was in the original email I sent? Personal server is on FreeBSD, work is
on CentOS, etc. I think perhaps you are confusing my issue with
something else…? Again, they are separate installs. The screenshots
were just for clarification and context. I.e., “Huh. My personal server
doesn’t look like that… what the heck is going on with the work server?”

The fact that you’re telling me that 4.0.6 fixes some issues with
submenus is fine by me. I’ll try and schedule a maintenance window to do
the upgrade over a weekend or overnight.

Thanks again, Kevin!

Glenn E. Sieb
System Administrator
+1 201 809-4958

80 Enterprise Avenue South
Secaucus, NJ 07094

BTW, my server (the screenshot with the brown background) is my
server. My work server belongs to the company I work for. They do
not replicate with one another. I merely showed them as a comparison
as to what seemed weird.
I didn’t say they replicated, I requested replication recipes against

Ok, I’m completely confuzzled by both the original statement, and
this one. You want recipes for database replication? Or you wanted
to know how my server(s) (personal and work) were both set up? I
thought that was in the original email I sent? Personal server is on
FreeBSD, work is on CentOS, etc. I think perhaps you are confusing
my issue with something else…? Again, they are separate installs.
The screenshots were just for clarification and context. I.e., “Huh.
My personal server doesn’t look like that… what the heck is going
on with the work server?”

The fact that you’re telling me that 4.0.6 fixes some issues with
submenus is fine by me. I’ll try and schedule a maintenance window
to do the upgrade over a weekend or overnight.

I’m asking for a replication recipe.
I want to know the steps to replicate your bug.


I’m asking for a replication recipe. I want to know the steps to
replicate your bug. -kevin

LMAO! :smiley: Gotcha… when I hear “replication” I hear “MySQL” or “HA”…
obviously not what you meant! :slight_smile:

Well on $WORK’s server (CentOS 6.2), I did a bunch of “yum whatprovides”
to install the packages for RT, and installed them using “yum install.”

Ran the usual configure/make testdeps (and anything missing, again,
installed via yum)/make install bits.

Here is the list of perl’s packages RT shows in the configuration page
(minus the paths):

Apache::Session 1.86
Apache::Session::Generate::MD5 2.1
Apache::Session::lock::MySQL 1.01
Apache::Session::MySQL 1.01
Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable 1.01
Apache::Session::Store::DBI 1.02
Apache::Session::Store::MySQL 1.04
AutoLoader 5.60
B 1.09_01
base 2.07
bytes 1.02
Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry 0.27
capitalization 0.03
Carp 1.04
CGI 3.59
CGI::Cookie 1.30
CGI::Emulate::PSGI 0.14
CGI::PSGI 0.15
CGI::Util 3.53
Class::Accessor 0.34
Class::Accessor::Fast 0.34
Class::Container 0.12
Class::Data::Inheritable 0.06
Class::Inspector 1.17
Class::ReturnValue 0.55
Clone 0.27
constant 1.05
Convert::ASN1 0.22
CSS::Squish 0.07
Cwd 3.33
Data::Dumper 2.131
Data::OptList 0.107
DateTime 0.41
DateTime::Locale 0.45
DateTime::Set 0.31
DateTime::TimeZone 0.67
DateTime::TimeZone::Floating 0.01
DateTime::TimeZone::Local 0.01
DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly 0.02
DateTime::TimeZone::UTC 0.01
DBD::mysql 3.0007
DBI 1.52
DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.62
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union 0
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Unique 0.01
Devel::GlobalDestruction 0.04
Devel::StackTrace 1.27
Devel::StackTrace::Frame 1.27
Devel::Symdump 2.08
Digest::base 1.00
Digest::MD5 2.36
Digest::SHA 5.71
DynaLoader 1.05
Email::Address 1.888
Encode 2.44
Encode::Alias 2.15
Encode::Byte 2.04
Encode::Config 2.05
Encode::Encoding 2.05
Encode::Guess 2.05
Encode::Unicode 2.07
Errno 1.0901
Exception::Class 1.23
Exception::Class::Base 1.2
Exporter 5.58
Exporter::Heavy 5.58
FCGI 0.67
Fcntl 1.05
File::Basename 2.74
File::Glob 1.05
File::Path 2.08
File::ShareDir 1.00
File::Spec 3.33
File::Spec::Unix 3.33
File::Temp 0.22
FileHandle 2.01
GD 2.35
GD::Image 2.27
Getopt::Long 2.35
GraphViz 2.02
Hash::MultiValue 0.12
HTML::Element 3.23
HTML::Entities 1.35
HTML::Formatter 2.04
HTML::FormatText 2.04
HTML::Mason 1.48
HTML::Mason::CGIHandler 1.00
HTML::Mason::Exception 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Abort 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation::IncompatibleCompiler 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compiler 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Decline 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Params 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::Syntax 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::System 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::TopLevelNotFound 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exception::VirtualMethod 1.1
HTML::Mason::Exceptions 1.43
HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler 0.52
HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler::Streamy 0.52
HTML::Mason::Request::PSGI 0.52
HTML::Parser 3.55
HTML::Scrubber 0.08
HTML::Tagset 3.10
HTML::TreeBuilder 3.23
HTTP::Body 1.15
HTTP::Body::MultiPart 1.15
HTTP::Body::OctetStream 1.15
HTTP::Body::UrlEncoded 1.15
HTTP::Body::XForms 1.15
HTTP::Body::XFormsMultipart 1.15
HTTP::Date 6.02
HTTP::Headers 6.00
HTTP::Message 6.03
HTTP::Request 6.00
HTTP::Response 6.03
HTTP::Status 6.03
I18N::LangTags 0.35
I18N::LangTags::Detect 1.03
integer 1.00
IO 1.25
IO::File 1.14
IO::Handle 1.28
IO::Seekable 1.1
IO::Select 1.17
IO::Socket 1.31
IO::Socket::INET 1.31
IO::Socket::UNIX 1.23
IPC::Open2 1.02
IPC::Open3 1.02
IPC::Run 0.80
JSON 2.17
JSON::PP 2.27200
JSON::PP::IncrParser 1.01
List::MoreUtils 0.22
List::Util 1.21
Locale::Maketext 1.09
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy 0.10
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon 0.62
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Gettext 0.15
Log::Any 0.14
Log::Any::Adapter::Null 0.14
Log::Dispatch 2.29
Log::Dispatch::Base 2.29
Log::Dispatch::Output 2.29
Log::Dispatch::Screen 2.29
Log::Dispatch::Syslog 2.29
LWP 6.04
LWP::Protocol 6.00
LWP::UserAgent 6.04
Mail::Address 1.77
Mail::Field 1.77
Mail::Field::AddrList 1.77
Mail::Field::Date 1.77
Mail::Header 1.77
Mail::Internet 1.77
Mail::Mailer 1.77
Math::BigInt 1.997
Math::BigInt::Calc 1.997
MIME::Base64 3.07
MIME::Body 5.502
MIME::Decoder 5.502
MIME::Decoder::Binary 5.502
MIME::Decoder::NBit 5.502
MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint 5.502
MIME::Entity 5.502
MIME::Field::ContDisp 5.502
MIME::Field::ConTraEnc 5.502
MIME::Field::ContType 5.502
MIME::Field::ParamVal 5.502
MIME::Head 5.502
MIME::Parser 5.502
MIME::QuotedPrint 3.07
MIME::Tools 5.502
MIME::Words 5.502
Module::Versions::Report 1.06
Net::CIDR 0.13
Net::LDAP 0.44
Net::LDAP::ASN 0.08
Net::LDAP::Bind 1.03
Net::LDAP::Constant 0.14
Net::LDAP::Entry 0.24
Net::LDAP::Filter 0.16
Net::LDAP::Intermediate 0.02
Net::LDAP::Message 1.11
Net::LDAP::Search 0.13
Net::LDAP::Util 0.12
overload 1.04
Params::Util 1.00
Params::Validate 0.88
parent 0.225
PerlIO 1.04
PerlIO::scalar 0.04
Plack::Request 0.9986
Plack::Response 0.9986
POSIX 1.09
re 0.05
Regexp::Common 2.120
Regexp::Common::_support 2.101
Regexp::Common::balanced 2.101
Regexp::Common::CC 2.100
Regexp::Common::comment 2.116
Regexp::Common::delimited 2.104
Regexp::Common::lingua 2.105
Regexp::Common::list 2.103
Regexp::Common::net 2.105
Regexp::Common::net::CIDR 0.02
Regexp::Common::number 2.108
Regexp::Common::profanity 2.104
Regexp::Common::SEN 2.102
Regexp::Common::URI 2.108
Regexp::Common::URI::fax 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::file 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::ftp 2.101
Regexp::Common::URI::gopher 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::http 2.101
Regexp::Common::URI::news 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::pop 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::prospero 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1035 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1738 2.104
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1808 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2384 2.102
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2806 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::tel 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::telnet 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::tv 2.100
Regexp::Common::URI::wais 2.100
Regexp::Common::whitespace 2.103
Regexp::Common::zip 2.112
Regexp::IPv6 0.03
RT 4.0.5
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth 0.10
RT::Extension::Gravatar 0.03
RT::Extension::MandatorySubject 0.05
RT::Interface::Email 2
RT::Interface::Web::Request 0.30
RTx::Calendar 0.14
RTx::WorkflowBuilder 1.02
Scalar::Util 1.21
SelectSaver 1.01
Set::Infinite 0.65
Socket 1.78
Storable 2.15
strict 1.03
Sub::Exporter 0.982
Sub::Install 0.926
Symbol 1.06
Sys::Syslog 0.29
Text::Password::Pronounceable 0.30
Text::Template 1.44
Text::Wrapper 1.01
Tie::Hash 1.02
Time::HiRes 1.9717
Time::JulianDay 2003.1125
Time::Local 1.2000
Time::ParseDate 2003.1126
Time::Timezone 2003.0211
Time::Zone 2.22
Try::Tiny 0.11
UNIVERSAL::require 0.11
URI 1.60
URI::_punycode 0.04
URI::Escape 3.31
URI::file 4.21
utf8 1.06
vars 1.01
warnings 1.05
warnings::register 1.01
XSLoader 0.06

That all said, Apache/2.2.3:
Compiled in modules:
Loaded Modules:
core_module (static)
mpm_prefork_module (static)
http_module (static)
so_module (static)
auth_basic_module (shared)
authn_file_module (shared)
authz_host_module (shared)
authz_user_module (shared)
authz_owner_module (shared)
authz_groupfile_module (shared)
authz_dbm_module (shared)
authz_default_module (shared)
ldap_module (shared)
authnz_ldap_module (shared)
log_config_module (shared)
env_module (shared)
mime_magic_module (shared)
setenvif_module (shared)
mime_module (shared)
dav_module (shared)
status_module (shared)
autoindex_module (shared)
dav_fs_module (shared)
vhost_alias_module (shared)
negotiation_module (shared)
dir_module (shared)
alias_module (shared)
rewrite_module (shared)
proxy_module (shared)
cgi_module (shared)
fcgid_module (shared)
extract_forwarded_module (shared)
security2_module (shared)
unique_id_module (shared)
php5_module (shared)
dav_svn_module (shared)
authz_svn_module (shared)
Syntax OK

mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.21, for Linux (i686) using readline 5.1

Let me know if you need any other info. I’m planning on doing the update
to 4.0.6 probably this Sunday.

The setup is a loadbalancer, hitting the same NFS cluster, hitting a
MySQL master/slave setup. As far as functionality (tickets/etc), RT is
working splendidly, as it always does. It was just the menu and search
stuff that was disconcerting.

Thanks, again, Kevin!

Glenn E. Sieb
System Administrator
+1 201 809-4958

80 Enterprise Avenue South
Secaucus, NJ 07094

I’m asking for a replication recipe. I want to know the steps to
replicate your bug. -kevin

LMAO! :smiley: Gotcha… when I hear “replication” I hear “MySQL” or
“HA”… obviously not what you meant! :slight_smile:

Sorry, a replication recipe for a bug is “Go to this URL, click like
this, enter this value, you’ll see the following”. The sort of thing
you’d stick in a bug if you were writing something for

I assume a bug like missing menus isn’t tied to your configuration or
build process, so they’re not relevant in a first pass. If people
can’t replicate the bug using your instructions, then we might have to
move into build specifics.


For #2 I actually have a custom field in my queue definitions that I call
Signature which is my first custom field for queues. I then have:


At the bottom of my autoreply, for correspondence and resolve I use:


{$Ticket->OwnerObj->RealName || $Ticket->OwnerObj->Name}


[] On Behalf Of Kevin
FalconeSent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Some questions, a few oddities, and some

  1. Can I get a spellchecker to work in 4.0.5? We’re setting this up
    for some people here who require a spell checker, and Firefox/Chrome’s
    built-in will not work with RT’s ticket body boxes. :-/ If this is
    possible, is there a howto? I’ve read the wiki, but they all seem to
    be for 3.x.x, not 4.

Firefox and Chrome’s spellcheckers work fine. In fact, I get the
highlighting as I type. If that doesn’t work, hold control when you
right-click to get to your spellchecker menu.

  1. Is there an extension that lets me define a signature for separate
    queues? (It can be only per queue, it doesn’t have to be
    per-user.) So, a signature that all emails going out from queueA get,
    queueB has it’s own, queueC it’s own, etc.

There isn’t a feature for this in the message editor, but you could
certainly add queue specific Correspondence templates that contain a

  1. I run RT 4.0.5 on my home server, and have since version 2. I set
    up 4.0.5 here at work, and I noticed some oddities. The submenu
    disappears on submission of a form. (Screen captures are here:, pink is the work
    site, brown is the home server) Needless to say, my users are not
    liking this, and really, I’m finding it odd.
  1. Possibly related to #3, when I go to Tickets/New Search, I’ll fill
    out the criteria area, and hit “Add these terms and search”…
    blank results. Every time. And no submenu. (So the menu under the “New
    Ticket in” button that says “Edit Search” etc.) If I put the criteria
    in as “Add these terms” then click “Show results” in the submenu, I
    get results. Occasionally, I get the submenu. Oddness.

There were a few fixes to submenus in 4.0.6. If you have replication
recipes for 4.0.6, please file a bug with them.



For #2 I actually have a custom field in my queue definitions that I call
Signature which is my first custom field for queues. I then have:


You should really pass in the expected argument to that method so it
always grabs the right CF instead of relying on ordering:
