Small buglet in Prefs.html?

Given 2.1.77 I get this behaviour after logging in with the root user
and password (after the first install):

I log in, get to the main page, click Preferences and bam:

error: Error during compilation of
syntax error at /www/ line
174, near “):”


170: my ($code, $msg);
171: ($code, $msg) = $UserObj->SetPassword($Pass1);
172: push @results, loc(‘Password: [_1]’, loc_fuzzy($msg));
173: } elsif ( $Pass1 && ($Pass1 ne $Pass2)) {
174: push @results, loc(“Passwords do not match. Your password has not
been changed”):
175: }
177: # }}}
178: }

2.1.75 worked, a diff shows this:

+} elsif ( $Pass1 && ($Pass1 ne $Pass2)) {

  • push @results, loc(“Passwords do not match. Your password has not been changed”):

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)> / asmodai / a capoeirista
PGP fingerprint: 2D92 980E 45FE 2C28 9DB7 9D88 97E6 839B 2EAC 625B |
Strength, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder…

2.1.75 worked, a diff shows this:

+} elsif ( $Pass1 && ($Pass1 ne $Pass2)) {

  • push @results, loc(“Passwords do not match. Your password has not been changed”):

The : at the end should be a ;


In general, things are not what people want them to be. They just are
what they are. That’s a general property of things, and that’s causing
lots of trouble for people in all kinds of contexts.
– Bob Dylan

Already fixed in 2.1.78 ;POn Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 02:52:23PM -0500, darren chamberlain wrote:

2.1.75 worked, a diff shows this:

+} elsif ( $Pass1 && ($Pass1 ne $Pass2)) {

  • push @results, loc(“Passwords do not match. Your password has not been changed”):

The : at the end should be a ;


In general, things are not what people want them to be. They just are
what they are. That’s a general property of things, and that’s causing
lots of trouble for people in all kinds of contexts.
– Bob Dylan

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