Signature not ignored when resolving ticket


My company recently upgraded to RT 5.0.1. Previously when I resolved a ticket (without entering anything into the description) there would be no “Comments added” entry in the ticket history and no email would be sent out to the watchers. Now a message containing only the signature appears in the history and is sent out to the watchers.

I have a signature, I removed it and no comment was logged when I resolved a ticket, so it looks like the signature is causing the problem. I also tried deleting all text when resolving a ticket but a comment with no text is still logged.

Is this a bug? Is there anything I can do about it?



Do you have a customized comment email template? I tested very quickly and if I delete the signature from the comment box on the update page and resolve a ticket the only outgoing email I see is auto on resolve email

I’m not sure what you mean by a “customized comment email template” but I don’t think we have one - if I removed my signature in preferences then the comment box is blank.

Also, other users here don’t see this behaviour, only me, so it isn’t any global setting.

I’m also not sure what you mean by “auto on resolve” email but no-one else here gets any sort of email sent out on resolve - presumably if they add a comment they do get something sent out but most of the time it is a silent operation.

Does your signature start with the signature marker ? Does adding it help?

Thanks for the suggestion, I tried adding the signature marker and it appeared twice in the message. It looks like RT is adding the marker itself.

Also it didn’t fix the problem, the email still gets sent out after a blank comment when resolving a ticket.

We are currently on version 5.0.0, we have the same issue since we upgraded to version from 4.4.4. We did not have this issue on version 4.4.4. I never got to troubleshoot it because we do not use AdminCCs that much :sweat_smile:, if you need any info from our instance for troubleshooting do not hesitate to ask.

Do you have access to the debug log? Can you tail the log and set the RT log level to debug. Then perform an empty comment that sends this bug email. While watching the log, you should see something like “committing for scrip #4”.

Then we can know which scrip is sending the email with just the signature

Which scrips are scrip #8, #28, #55 since those are the ones that ran one of those must have sent the email

I don’t have access to those scrips but I’ve asked one of our admins to take a look at it.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

My thought is one of them is custom or the template for email is custom and it is doing something to send email

Was this every resolved? I have the same problem: when changing status on a ticket, or doing bulk actions, my signature is added to the comment box and seen as a non-empty comment for the ticket. If I erase the signature text, it is an empty comment, and not included.

In RT4.x the signature (only) was considered an empty comment.

The issue remains. I wasn’t able to get any help with it so have not been able to do anything about it.

Please may I bump this because we have started getting this as well after upgrading to 5.0.3. It was not an issue on RT 4.

I believe I have the answer: it doesn’t support HTML signatures.

Unfortunately in RT 5.0.3 if you edit any of your “About Me” while having the WYSIWYG option set to Yes then it will convert your signature to HTML format.

The function which is responsible for detecting whether your comment is just the signature, namely StripContent from RT::Interface::Web, simply doesn’t work if the signature is in HTML format.

The answer (for now): temporarily set your WYSIWYG setting to no, edit your sig down to plain text, then (if desired) turn WYSIWYG back on.

That worked for me. I thought I was going to be stuck with that problem forever. Thanks!

You can review the release notes and documentation for RT 5.0.1 to see if this change was intended or if there are any configuration options that control comment logging on ticket resolution. Thanks