Signature for Reply only


I’m looking for possibility to disable signature for comments and leave it
enabled for replies only. I have found a post in the mail archive how to do
that for rt 3.2 - here the link:

There are only two lines and I don’t really now where to put them in 3.8.4
code in the update.html or maybe other file.

% } elsif ($Action ne ‘Respond’) {
<& /Elements/MessageBox, Name=>“UpdateContent”, IncludeSignature => 0,

Can someone help me on it?

Thanks in advance,


I’m looking for possibility to disable signature for comments and leave it
enabled for replies only.

This way is working for me in 3.8.4.

Copy the distribution html/Elements/MessageBox from to the “local”
html/Elements directory. On Debian and Ubuntu, the “local” directory
(as installed by apt-get) is:


In that file, you just add another condition to the spot where it
decides whether to insert a signature. The extra condition is “and
$ARGS{‘Action’} ne ‘Comment’”

Here is the patch:

my $signature = ‘’;
-if ( $IncludeSignature and my $text =
$session{‘CurrentUser’}->UserObj->Signature and

  • $ARGS{'Action'} ne 'Comment'

-) {
-# unnecessary to have sig in comment since it’s internal only and the
name of the user is attached to the transaction
+if ( $IncludeSignature and my $text =
$session{‘CurrentUser’}->UserObj->Signature ) {
$signature = “-- \n”. $text;

From that old thread that you referenced

Carbon60: Managed Cloud Services

I think his way would also work – copying the distribution version of
Ticket/Update.html to the “local” Ticket/ directory and then changing
line 143 from

<& /Elements/MessageBox, Name=>“UpdateContent”, %ARGS &>


<& /Elements/MessageBox, Name=>“UpdateContent”, IncludeSignature => 0, %ARGS &>

You will need to restart webserver for either method to take effect.
