If I allow an “unprivileged user” access to the SelfService area, that user
isn’t able to view his own tickets - even if I grant “ShowTicket” to the
"Requestor" group under Configuration->Queues->Group Rights.
If however, I grant “ShowTicket” to the “Everyone” group he is able to view
his own tickets and everyone else’s. Not exactly what I had in mind. But
then again, I am confused about all the different Groups/Rights… (Where
can I read up about them)
I look forward to your response.
If I allow an “unprivileged user” access to the SelfService area, that user
isn’t able to view his own tickets - even if I grant “ShowTicket” to the
“Requestor” group under Configuration->Queues->Group Rights.
Is this on a clean install or an upgrade? That’s a bug that was fixed in the
past few weeks and could be manifesting as the result of improperly cached pages.
I can’t replicate this here.
If however, I grant “ShowTicket” to the “Everyone” group he is able to view
his own tickets and everyone else’s. Not exactly what I had in mind. But
then again, I am confused about all the different Groups/Rights… (Where
can I read up about them)
Until one of the 3-4 people who’ve been promising more docs have time to get
things written, this conversation is probably your best bet:
I look forward to your response.
Rt-devel mailing list
jesse reed vincent – –
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IP networks were intended to survive nuclear attack, but 12 year old
kids with PCs were not part of the threat model. – mycroft