Script assistance Please

I can’t get this script to do what I need which is to create a weekly tally of
time spent by each user on each of our customers. The goal is to have it print
out each customer name as a header and below that the time spent on them by each
user in the previous week. However, what it does now is print out the total
time spent on all customers by each user.

So, instead of output saying that user1 spent 20 minutes on customer1 and 30
minutes on customer2, I get user1 spent 50 minutes total working on all customers.

Can someone take a look and help me out?


use warnings;
use strict;
use lib ‘/usr/local/rt-3.6.3/lib’;
use lib ‘/usr/local/rt-3.6.3/local/lib’;
use RT;
use RT::Tickets;
use RT::Users;


Declare our global variables

my (@days, @months, @years, @date, @displayDate);
my $time = time();

for (1 … 7) {
$time -= 246060;
@date = (localtime($time))[3 … 5];
push @days, (sprintf ‘%02d’, $date[0]);
push @months,(sprintf ‘%02d’,$date[1] + 1);
push @years, $date[2] + 1900;
push @displayDate, join “-”, (sprintf ‘%02d’, $date[1] + 1), (sprintf ‘%02d’,
$date[0]), $date[2] + 1900;
my $endDate = join “-”, $years[0], $months[0], $days[0];
my $startDate = join “-”, $years[$#years], $months[$#months], $years[$#years];

my $emailTo = “,”;
my $emailFrom = “root”;
my $emailBcc = “”;
my $emailSubj = “RT User Timesheet for The Week Ending $endDate”;
my $emailMsg = “Attached is a file containing billable time committed by
each user for the week ending $endDate.”;

my $tix = new RT::Tickets(RT::SystemUser);
$tix->FromSQL(‘Queue = “CustomerCare” AND Status = “open” AND Created <
#$tix->FromSQL(‘Queue = “CustomerCare” AND (Status = “resolved” OR Status =
“open”) AND (LastUpdated >= "’ . $startDate . ‘" AND LastUpdated < "’ .
$endDate. ‘")’);

my @environment;
my %environment;
my %timeworked;
my $users = new RT::Users(RT::SystemUser);

The nitty gritty of the script

while (my $ticket = $tix->Next) {
my $environment = $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘Environment’);
my $user;
my $transaction;
unless ($environment) {
warn “warning " . $ticket->id. " has no environment”;

    foreach my $key (keys %environment) {
            if (exists $environment{$key}) {
                    $environment{$key} = 0;
    foreach my $key (keys %environment) {
            print $key . " -> " . $environment{$key} . "\n";

    my $transactions = $ticket->Transactions;
    foreach my $enviro (keys %environment) {
            while ($transaction = $transactions->Next) {
                    next unless (($transaction->TimeTaken) && ($enviro ==

$ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘Environment’))) ;
print "Working on " . $ticket . " for " . $enviro . “\n”;
$timeworked{$transaction->Creator} +=

    foreach my $user (keys %timeworked) {
            foreach my $cust (keys %environment) {
                    $environment{$cust}{$user} = $timeworked{$user};


open TIMESHEET, “>/work_reports/weekly/timesheet_weekof_$endDate.txt”;

#print “\nTimesheet for $weekStart to $weekEnd\n”;
printf TIMESHEET “\nUser Timesheet for $startDate to $endDate\n”;

foreach my $user (keys %timeworked) {
# Print the header for our data

print “\n\n” . $displayDate . “\n”;

    printf TIMESHEET "\n\n" . (shift @displayDate) . "\n";

printf “%32s%11s\n”, “Time”, “Avg Time”;

    printf TIMESHEET "%32s%11s\n", "Time";

printf “%18s%7s%7s%11s\n”, “Profile”, “Tkts”, “hh:mm”, “hh:mm”;

    printf TIMESHEET "%18s%7s%7s%11s\n", "Profile", "Tkts", "hh:mm";

print (“-” x 44);

    print TIMESHEET ("-" x 44);

print “\n”;

    print TIMESHEET "\n";

    foreach my $env (sort keys %environment) {
            print $env . " -> " . $environment{$env}{$user} . "\n";

Prepare and send the email which with the report to all necessary parties.

my $fullEmail = new MIME::Lite(From => $emailFrom,
To => $emailTo,
Bcc => $emailBcc,
Subject => $emailSubj,
Type => “multipart/mixed”);

$fullEmail->attach(Type => “TEXT”,
Data => $emailMsg);

$fullEmail->attach(Type => “text/plain”,
Path =>
Disposition => “attachment”);

$fullEmail->send(“sendmail”, “/usr/sbin/sendmail -t”);}
