RTIR 3.2.0rc4 available for testing

RTIR 3.2.0rc4 is the latest release candidate of RTIR compatible with RT 4.2.

It is only compatible with RT 4.2.9 and later and will refuse to install
on earlier versions of RT 4.2.

You should be sure to review both core RT’s UPGRADING-4.2 as well as
RTIR’s UPGRADING-3.2 documentation.


SHA1 sums

69ca537862c3abf47410b07e49521505eecadb57 RT-IR-3.2.0rc4.tar.gz
43248ba81c403806763a4dad3840a4b3c00d18a2 RT-IR-3.2.0rc4.tar.gz.asc


  • The “RT at a Glance” Rows per box setting is now respected on the RTIR
    homepage also.


  • Improve the upgrading documentation to better cover how to handle the
    core SLA Custom Field from 2.6 and the global SLA Custom Field
    installed if you choose to use RT::Extension::SLA

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log 3.0.3…3.2.0rc4
or visiting
Comparing 3.0.3...3.2.0rc4 · bestpractical/rtir · GitHub