RT_SiteConfig and Postgres

I am having a hard time getting RT to connect to my Postgres install.
My pg_hba.conf is set to,
local all all trust
As I was instructed to do so for another app.

My question is what do I use for,

Set($DatabaseHost , ‘’);
Set($DatabaseRTHost , ‘’);

I have tried everything and I always get,
[error] Connect Failed FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host “”,
user “rt_user”, database “rt3”, SSL off\n\n at /opt/RT//lib/RT.pm line


I am having a hard time getting RT to connect to my Postgres install.
My pg_hba.conf is set to,
local all all trust
As I was instructed to do so for another app.

My question is what do I use for,

Set($DatabaseHost , ‘’);
Set($DatabaseRTHost , ‘’);

I have tried everything and I always get,
[error] Connect Failed FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host
“”, user “rt_user”, database “rt3”, SSL off\n\n
at /opt/RT//lib/RT.pm line 176\n

The $DatabaseHost and $DatabaseRTHost should be correct as is.

I would think that connecting to ‘host’ is not a connection to
a Unix socket, which is what ‘local’ means. Try adding additional
lines to pg_hba.conf like:

IPv4 local connections:

host all all trust



The comment from gtalbot@centerone.com is correct, but I think is a little
bit insecure, I will suggest the following:
Set($DatabaseUser , ‘your_rt_database_user’);
Set($DatabasePassword , ‘your_rt_user_database_password’);
Set($DatabaseType , ‘Pg’)
Set($DatabaseHost , ‘localhost’); or Set($DatabaseHost , ‘’);
Set($DatabaseRTHost , ‘localhost’); or Set($DatabaseRTHost , ‘’);

host rtx your_rt_user md5
Where rtx is the database name of your rt database.

Best regards, and hope it helps.
