RT Configuration Problems

Right now, I’m using CentOS 7 1708 on VirtualBox.

I’ve followed the installation guide provided here CentOS7Install - Request Tracker Wiki.

But at the end it doesn’t seem to be working like it should.

  • I can’t make it start with the http service, the only way to make it work its by doing it manually using “/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server”.

  • It is not sending emails

Set($CorrespondAddress, ‘xxxx@xxxx.com’);
Set($DatabaseHost, ‘localhost’);
Set($DatabaseName, ‘rt4’);
Set($DatabasePassword, ‘xxxx’);
Set($DatabasePort, ‘’);
Set($DatabaseType, ‘mysql’);
Set($DatabaseUser, ‘rt_user’);
Set($WebPort, ‘2080’);
Set($rtname, ‘xxxx’);
Set($WebPath, ‘’); In the guide it supose to be Set($WebPath, ‘/rt’); but it gived me trouble with the web interface.
Set($MailCommand, ‘sendmail’);
Set($SendmailArguments, ‘-io -t -ODeliveryMode=b - OErrorMode=q’);

Those are the problems that I’ve found at the moment, the idea is to install and configure RTIR, so if someone can also provide an installation guide to do it, I would really appreciated it.
