RT changing Status to Open from Resolved when sending Reply or Comment

I remember this being a discussion thread a while back but searching the
archives I couldn’t find it. I found one thread from 2003 but it didn’t
address a resolution.

I resolved a ticket and then noticed my auto reply to the requestor
didn’t include my resolution information. So I went back into RT and
clicked reply to send a reply to the requester from RT. When I looked at
the History I saw the Ticket was now Open and I had to reset it to
Resolved. When I sent the reply there is a transaction that shows Ticket
Status changing from Resolved to Open.

Is there a fix for this? Or is this a correct way for this to work?


John J. Boris, Sr.
JEN-A-SyS Administrator
Archdiocese of Philadelphia

“Remember! That light at the end of the tunnel
Just might be the headlight of an oncoming train!”

Hi John,

I ran into the same “resolved but no comments sent” issue. I found that
the stuff you type into the message box gets treated as a separate
correspond transaction first, then the ticket gets resolved. So I had my
Resolved template look for an unsent correspondence and, if found, attach
it to the resolved message. I determine whether or not it has already been
they’re different then I include the last correspond content. I have all
default scrips disabled, so the correspond transaction doesn’t send
anything on its own.

Here’s the guts of the template if you’re interested. It’s probably much
more complicated than it needs to be, but I was still pretty new at RT. It
works, so I won’t be changing it anytime soon.

{ ### Tells user that ticket has been resolved
my $MyName = “Template DNS:28 (Resolved)”;
$RT::Logger->debug(“$MyName (”. $Transaction->Id . “) entered.”);
my $FromAddress = ‘My Org myorg@example.com’;
my $ContactAddress = ‘rtguy@example.com’;
my $OwnerName = $Ticket->OwnerObj->RealName;
my $c_content;
my $e_content;
my $have_rmks;
my $remarks;

We won’t include a comment if…

- Last outgoing email content eq last correspond content (this means

that the content was already sent in an e-mail)

- Last correspond attachment headers =~ /^Received/ (this means that

the correspond was an incoming e-mail)

Get last Correspond

my $Transactions = $Ticket->Transactions;
$Transactions->Limit( FIELD => ‘Type’, VALUE => ‘Correspond’ );
$Transactions->OrderByCols (
{ FIELD => ‘Created’, ORDER => ‘DESC’ },
{ FIELD => ‘id’, ORDER => ‘DESC’ },
my $CorrespondObj = $Transactions->First;

Ignore last correspond if it has Received headers

if ($CorrespondObj && $CorrespondObj->Id) {
$c_content = $CorrespondObj->Content;
chomp $c_content;
$have_rmks = !$CorrespondObj->Attachments->First->GetHeader(‘Received’);
#$RT::Logger->debug(“$MyName: found correspondence: ‘$_content’”) if

Get last outgoing e-mail

$Transactions = $Ticket->Transactions;
$Transactions->Limit( FIELD => ‘Type’, VALUE => ‘EmailRecord’ );
$Transactions->OrderByCols (
{ FIELD => ‘Created’, ORDER => ‘DESC’ },
{ FIELD => ‘id’, ORDER => ‘DESC’ },
my $EmailObj = $Transactions->First;

If there’s a previous e-mail and it’s the same as the previous

correspond, ignore it
if ($EmailObj && $EmailObj->Id) {
$e_content = $EmailObj->Content;
chomp $e_content;
if ($c_content) {
$have_rmks = 0 if $e_content eq $c_content;
$have_rmks = 0 if $EmailObj->Id > $CorrespondObj->Id;

use Mail::Address;
my $Cc = ‘’;
my $Bcc = ‘’;
if ( $have_rmks ) {
my $attachment = $CorrespondObj->Attachments->First;
my @cc_addrs = Mail::Address->parse($attachment->GetHeader(‘RT-Send-Cc’));
my @bcc_addrs =
foreach my $addr ( @cc_addrs ) {
$Cc .= $addr->address . ", ";
$Cc .= $Ticket->QueueObj->Cc->MemberEmailAddressesAsString;
$Cc =~ s/, $//;

 foreach my $addr ( @bcc_addrs ) {
   $Bcc .= $addr->address . ", ";
 $Bcc .= $Ticket->QueueObj->AdminCc->MemberEmailAddressesAsString;
 $Bcc =~ s/, $//;


Set the remarks if applicable

if ($have_rmks) {
$remarks = "
#$RT::Logger->debug(”$MyName: going to send comments: $remarks");
my $AddressGroup = “From: $FromAddress”;
$AddressGroup .= “\nCc: $Cc” if $Cc;
$AddressGroup .= “\nBcc: $Bcc” if $Bcc;
$OUT = "$AddressGroup

The ticket that was opened for your request has been resolved by
$OwnerName. If you have any questions about this, you can contact the IT
Security Office at $ContactAddress.

The ITSO Staff";


At 09:23 AM 4/21/2008, John BORIS wrote:

I remember this being a discussion thread a while back but searching the
archives I couldn’t find it. I found one thread from 2003 but it didn’t
address a resolution.

I resolved a ticket and then noticed my auto reply to the requestor
didn’t include my resolution information. So I went back into RT and
clicked reply to send a reply to the requester from RT. When I looked at
the History I saw the Ticket was now Open and I had to reset it to
Resolved. When I sent the reply there is a transaction that shows Ticket
Status changing from Resolved to Open.

Is there a fix for this? Or is this a correct way for this to work?


John J. Boris, Sr.
JEN-A-SyS Administrator
Archdiocese of Philadelphia

“Remember! That light at the end of the tunnel
Just might be the headlight of an oncoming train!”

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Gene LeDuc, GSEC
Security Analyst
San Diego State University