RT and Mail Gateway...help

Dear all,

I have installed and configured RT in my system on RH 7.2. It is working fine.

But for Mail Gateway Configuration , Iam
Running my Sendmail Server in

another system. In this case, how to configure
my RT system for Mail


Second thing ..Can anyone help me out in explaining the Full Functionality

of RT.

Thanks in Advance...

J.Mani Ezhilan

I have installed and configured RT in my system on RH 7.2. It is working
But for Mail Gateway Configuration , Iam Running my Sendmail Server in
another system. In this case, how to configure my RT system for Mail

Easiest and currently safest solution at the moment is to use the
sendmailpipe delivery method, and ensure that /etc/sendmail.cf has a
SmartHost (of your mail server) defined. Don’t forget to cron something
on your RT server every 15 minutes to flush the mail queue. (sendmail -q)

Second thing …Can anyone help me out in explaining the Full
of RT.

The standard reply for such generalised questions is ‘Use the Force’, in
this instance being RT/FM, at http://www.fsck.com/rtfm/

If the documentation there doesn’t help, ask specific questions here as
appropriate (which should eventually get added back into RT/FM, like the
first one will be when I get back to the office)

                         Bruce Campbell                            RIPE
               Systems/Network Engineer                             NCC
             www.ripe.net - PGP562C8B1B                      Operations

( Note that although I respond a lot on rt-users, I’m not a personal help
desk. Jesse does that in return for the foldable stuff ;). Shifted
back to rt-users. )

Thanks for the information, I have done the same thing as u mentioned.
Iam not sure whether Iam correct, Iam figuring out here the entire the
scenario…please correct me , if Iam wrong.

RT installed in system. (Redhat 7.2)
Mail Server installed in (Redhat 6.2)

I’m going to refer to these as ‘RT’ and ‘Mail’ respectively.

RT Installed System:
In, where I have installed RT, I edited the sendmail.cf and
added the
SmartHost of the Mail Server (DS
I have also added the cron activity for flushing the mail queue.

Yes, this will clear up the mail that RT generates (ensures that it gets

On ‘RT’:

In the aliases file I have added the following content,

rt: “|/usr/local/rt2/bin/rt-mailgate --queue general --action correspond”
rt-comment: “|/usr/local/rt2/bin/rt-mailgate --queue general --action

The trick that you need now is to deliver mail to the RT system. You can
do this via one of two methods:

a) Install RT also on the Mail server, and ensure that the
   configuration of RT (config.pm) points to the RT server
   ($DatabaseHost) *and* that the mysql rt_user on the RT server
   can connect from the Mail server.

b) Run sendmail on the RT server (accepting connections or from
   inetd), and have the RT aliases on the Mail server read (lets
   assume you're example.com):

	rt:	rt@rt.example.com
	rt-comment:	rt-comment@rt.example.com

   The RT server's sendmail is configured to only accept mail for
   'rt.example.com' (or whatever name you want that is seperate
   from your main mail; remember to keep the RT addresses
   @example.com in the configuration so you don't have the RT
   server's mail port exposed to the outside)

In the Mail Server, I have created two pop users rt and

Unless you install RT on the Mail server, you don’t need any rt-specific
users on the Mail server


                         Bruce Campbell                            RIPE
               Systems/Network Engineer                             NCC
             www.ripe.net - PGP562C8B1B                      Operations