This morning, I released RT 1.0.5. It contains a number of fixes and
enhancements, including one fairly major security fix. All users
are urged to upgrade as soon as possible.
RT setuid wrapper now properly traps bogus environment variables.
On some OSes, LD_PRELOAD was not properly stripped by the OS for setuid
scripts. - was backported from RT2. It should ease installation for novice
users. -
Several merge-related bugfixes. (merging merged tickets should now work better.
CLI and web ui should now properly display merged tickets when queried
with the old ticket ID. -
mail gateway now properly does not reply to messages sent as Precedence: Bulk or Precedence: Junk. This should take care of most folks’ looping problems.
Jesse Vincent
jesse reed vincent – –
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90
<Dr_Memory> the point is that words were exchanged. neurolinguistic
programming will do the rest. they should be showing up at my house
any day now.
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