Hi Experts,
Is there a way to ignore (do not create ticket, do not send
auto-reply) request from Mailer_daemon@domain.com?
Hi Experts,
Is there a way to ignore (do not create ticket, do not send
auto-reply) request from Mailer_daemon@domain.com?
Is there a way to ignore (do not create ticket, do not send auto-
reply) request from Mailer_daemon@domain.com?
Filter it before it gets to rt-mailgate, otherwise once you get to
the ticket has already been created.
I believe someone else has already pointed you at the wiki for not
Thanks Kevin for the response,
I checking procmail to filter before getting to mailgate however, procmail
filters on a user level and uses user home directory for the configuration
We did not create user for RT, we just forward using alias
#RT Mailgate user for “production”
prod1: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue prod1 --action correspond --url
Any email to prod1@srv1.domain.net will go directly to RT Ticketing. The
messages are stored on the RT DB.
Any more suggestion on what filter system can be used ?
Filter it before it gets to rt-mailgate, otherwise once you get to
the ticket has already been created.
I believe someone else has already pointed you at the wiki for not
Thanks Kevin for the response,
I checking procmail to filter before getting to mailgate however,
procmail filters on a user level and uses user home directory for
the configuration file.We did not create user for RT, we just forward using alias
#RT Mailgate user for “production”
prod1: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue prod1 --action correspond
–url http://srv1.domain.net/rt/”
Any email to prod1@srv1.domain.net will go directly to RT
Ticketing. The messages are stored on the RT DB.Any more suggestion on what filter system can be used ?
There is nothing stopping you from invoking procmail from aliases and
having procmail invoke the mailgate. There are several examples if
you search on the wiki for procmail.
You don’t say what your mail server is, but I know with postfix you
just have it discard mail from certain addresses before it gets to rt-
This is really more of a question for your mail server than RT