Release Status?

What is the current status of the upcoming releases? I’ve been waiting for the next release (now I can’t even remember the feature I was waiting for) before I go through an upgrade. It sounded that 3.5 was nearing gold status soon several months back. Now there is a decent amount of chatter about 3.6. Mind you, I’m not complaining, just curious for a roadmap update.

What is the current status of the upcoming releases? I’ve been waiting for the next release (now I can’t even remember the feature I was waiting for) before I go through an upgrade. It sounded that 3.5 was nearing gold status soon several months back. Now there is a decent amount of chatter about 3.6. Mind you, I’m not complaining, just curious for a roadmap update.

RT 3.5 is the development series for RT 3.6. Nobody has reported any
showstoppers for 3.6.0rc1. You’ll likely see a release candidate within
a week.
