Q: Multiple Requestors per Ticket?

In short…Is there a way to have multiple “Requestor” email-addresses
for one ticket in RT-1.0.5?

In a bit more detail…We have a web-based form which we have our various
non-support-staff fill out, on behalf of our various customers. The contents
are sent via email to RT and assigned to a support-staff member. The
difficulty here is, we would like to have both the “non-support-staff” person
AND the “actual customer” to be a “Requestor” and have BOTH folks
get email which is generated as Correspondence occurs on this ticket.

We don’t want to make every non-support-staff member a member of the
support queue. Certainly, we don’t want the customer to be a member of
the support queue either. We only want them to get the email as our
support staff respond and handle the ticket.

I’ve tried a variety of things…I’ve set our CGI Script (in Perl) which
takes the form and turns it in to email to have our Reply-To: header
contain both the email address of our non-support-staff and the
customer. I’ve tried entering one as Reply-To: and the other as a CC:.
I’ve tried entering both as CC: and Reply-To: and so on.

Judging by its actions, it appears that RT collects from the various
mail headers, the first address that it sees, using Reply-To: as its
first preference, then From:, then Sender:. I don’t mind its priorities,
I just want it to handle more than one entry in its database for Requestor.

Has anyone made a change for this, or am I missing some configuration option?
I’ll be happy to hack out some code if that’s what it takes (I’m guessing)
if someone could point me in roughly the right direction :slight_smile:

I know this was possible using Req-1.2.7…most likely out of sheer
coincidence, but possible nonetheless (we constructed the header as
“Reply-To: nonsupportstaff,customer” and it worked w/Req-1.2.7)

Willing to experiment…please feel free to drop me a note and I’ll be
happy to summarize for general archival to the list (or just reply to
the list, I just subscribed.)

Thanks all…

Paul Hirose – phirose@sac.verio.net Voice: 916-856-1530
Verio, the new world of business Fax: 916-856-1540

Have you just changed the requestor via the web page to include
multiple email addresses?

you should be able to simply set up “Requestor” as a comma delimited
list of email addresses.

RT2 contains more explicit support for multiple Requestors, Ccs and
Administrative Ccs.On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 05:02:07PM -0800, Paul Hirose wrote:

In short…Is there a way to have multiple “Requestor” email-addresses
for one ticket in RT-1.0.5?

In a bit more detail…We have a web-based form which we have our various
non-support-staff fill out, on behalf of our various customers. The contents
are sent via email to RT and assigned to a support-staff member. The
difficulty here is, we would like to have both the “non-support-staff” person
AND the “actual customer” to be a “Requestor” and have BOTH folks
get email which is generated as Correspondence occurs on this ticket.

We don’t want to make every non-support-staff member a member of the
support queue. Certainly, we don’t want the customer to be a member of
the support queue either. We only want them to get the email as our
support staff respond and handle the ticket.

I’ve tried a variety of things…I’ve set our CGI Script (in Perl) which
takes the form and turns it in to email to have our Reply-To: header
contain both the email address of our non-support-staff and the
customer. I’ve tried entering one as Reply-To: and the other as a CC:.
I’ve tried entering both as CC: and Reply-To: and so on.

Judging by its actions, it appears that RT collects from the various
mail headers, the first address that it sees, using Reply-To: as its
first preference, then From:, then Sender:. I don’t mind its priorities,
I just want it to handle more than one entry in its database for Requestor.

Has anyone made a change for this, or am I missing some configuration option?
I’ll be happy to hack out some code if that’s what it takes (I’m guessing)
if someone could point me in roughly the right direction :slight_smile:

I know this was possible using Req-1.2.7…most likely out of sheer
coincidence, but possible nonetheless (we constructed the header as
“Reply-To: nonsupportstaff,customer” and it worked w/Req-1.2.7)

Willing to experiment…please feel free to drop me a note and I’ll be
happy to summarize for general archival to the list (or just reply to
the list, I just subscribed.)

Thanks all…

Paul Hirose – phirose@sac.verio.net Voice: 916-856-1530
Verio, the new world of business Fax: 916-856-1540

rt-users mailing list

jesse reed vincent – root@eruditorum.orgjesse@fsck.com
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

A REAL sysadmin challenge is “resurrect five dead mailserver while so ripped
to the gills on mdma that you can’t focus on any given line of text for more
than 10 seconds continuously.”
-Nathan Mehl

you should be able to simply set up “Requestor” as a comma delimited
list of email addresses.

Is “Requestor” a Header I can use in the email-msg that I create and send
to the queue to generate a ticket?

I take it, if I “Create requests in queue” via the “/rt/webrt.cgi” script,
I can simply enter multiple email-addresses as I see fit, comma-delimited.

Is there an equivalent field/data-source when the Request is generated
via an incoming email-msg?


Paul Hirose – phirose@sac.verio.net Voice: 916-856-1530
Verio, the new world of business Fax: 916-856-1540

It pulls it from the “Reply-To” header. Failing that, it tries the From
header and then the Sender header.On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 05:19:45PM -0800, Paul Hirose wrote:

you should be able to simply set up “Requestor” as a comma delimited
list of email addresses.

Is “Requestor” a Header I can use in the email-msg that I create and send
to the queue to generate a ticket?

I take it, if I “Create requests in queue” via the “/rt/webrt.cgi” script,
I can simply enter multiple email-addresses as I see fit, comma-delimited.

Is there an equivalent field/data-source when the Request is generated
via an incoming email-msg?


Paul Hirose – phirose@sac.verio.net Voice: 916-856-1530
Verio, the new world of business Fax: 916-856-1540

rt-users mailing list

jesse reed vincent – root@eruditorum.orgjesse@fsck.com
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

Transporters are so ungodly. if god had wanted us to travel great distances
instantaneously, he would have given us an internal
materialisation/dematerialisation control.
– Shoshe Cole

Ok, now that I’ve realized (thanks all) multiple-requestors is possible,
I’ve gone digging through the code to see why it is NOT working.

The upshot (in short), I think is as follows:
($serial_num,$transaction_num, $message) = &rt::add_new_request(
$in_queue, $area, $current_user,‘’,‘’, $subject,
$rt::time, 0, 0, $content, $current_user,
at approximately line 121 in file ui/mail/manipulate.pm in sub activate{}
should probably have, as its 3rd argument $replyto, and not $current_user.

Actually, that’s not quite true, it just works for me :slight_smile: Details follow:

What I wanted was multiple-requestors, and in-and-of-itself, that’s fine
with RT. A simple comma-separated list is accepted if you enter it in
on the web-page.

The problem came actually because I was generating tickets via Email.
I was using the Reply-To: header and after careful examination, realized
that my sendmail binary was putting a " " in between my list of Reply-To:
addresses. While my Perl code has “Reply-To: $email1,$email2” sendmail
was “nice” enough to change it to “Reply-To: addr1@addr1.com, addr2@addr2.com”.
The " " in there breaks things.

In the file ui/mail/manipulate.pm the following line exists:
#Get the real name of the current user from the replyto/from/sender/etc
$name_temp = $current_user;
if ($current_user =~/(\S*@\S*)/) {
$current_user =$1;
and the matching statement (if ($current_user =~/(\S*@\S*)/) {) drops
everything after the space. So at this point, $current_user looks like
addr1@addr1.com,” This is later cleaned up in norm_requestor() function
and eventually is ok to use.

So another quick change that would also make what I want to work would be
to simply add:
$current_user =~ s/\s*,\s*/,/g;
right below this line:
$current_user = $replyto || $from || $sender;

Not really the ideal solution, and I haven’t checked all the ramifications
of it. But I know what I’m looking for in ReplyTo and I figure changing
a set of addresses from “a, b” to “a,b” probably won’t be too bad.

It’d be ncie if I could use the “SET user XXXXX” command, and I looked
at that, but that’s kinda chicken-and-egg. I can’t set the requestor
for a ticket that doesn’t yet exist :slight_smile:

I do look forward to a more elegant solution though, if anyone would
be willing to keep working on it. For now, this appears to work for me :slight_smile:

Phew :slight_smile: Not as bad as I thought it’d be, just took some time :slight_smile:

Paul Hirose – phirose@sac.verio.net Voice: 916-856-1530
Verio, the new world of business Fax: 916-856-1540