Problems with data migration


I’m working on migrating some data over from a bug reporting package
(“Mantis”). I believe I have the majority of everything figured out. However,
I’m having some difficulties getting the requestors to work properly.

I’m using RT Version 3.0.4. The symptoms are that users are not seeing any of
the tickets that they created on the “10 highest priority tickets I requested”
list, and that the “Requestors:” field when viewing the ticket is blank.
However, if I click on the “People” link, the requestor does show up properly on
the ModifyPeople component. So, I’m a bit stumped.

I’ve been looking through the database schema, and I can’t see what I’m doing
wrong here.

mysql> select * from Groups where Instance = 47 and Domain = ‘RT::Ticket-Role’;
| id | Name | Description | Domain | Type | Instance |
| 3197 | NULL | NULL | RT::Ticket-Role | Requestor | 47 |
| 3198 | NULL | NULL | RT::Ticket-Role | Owner | 47 |
| 3199 | NULL | NULL | RT::Ticket-Role | Cc | 47 |
| 3200 | NULL | NULL | RT::Ticket-Role | AdminCc | 47 |

mysql> select * from GroupMembers where GroupId = 3197;
| id | GroupId | MemberId |
| 1378 | 3197 | 30 |

mysql> select Creator from Tickets where id = 47;
| Creator |
| 30 |

mysql> select Name, EmailAddress from Users where id = 30;
| Name | EmailAddress |
| wright | |

Given all of this, why is it that ‘’ doesn’t appear in
Ticket/Elements/ShowPeople? Is there something somewhere else that I also need
to be updating?
