Prefix dashboards and saved searches names in lists


attached an patch against 3.9-trunk.


0001-prefix-dashboards-and-saved-searches-names-in-lists.patch (9.04 KB)


attached an patch against 3.9-trunk.


The idea seems reasonable enough, but I wonder if it’ll add too much
clutter. Would it make sense to refactor such lists to use optgroups
instead, like we do for loading a saved search in the query builder, and
for select-CFs with categories?


The idea seems reasonable enough, but I wonder if it’ll add too much
clutter. Would it make sense to refactor such lists to use optgroups
I thought /Widgets/SelectionBox is used anywhere else for something
different and I came up with this solution.
But I’m wrong, /Widgets/SelectionBox is only used for this kind of
lists. You are right, using optgroups would be the best solution.
instead, like we do for loading a saved search in the query builder, and
Using optgroups for loading saved searches?
I provided a patch to the devel list but didn’t see him landing in
3.9-trunk at github until now :wink:
for select-CFs with categories?

