Portlet list of tickets per custom field value (similar to quicksearch portlet)

Hi, I am looking for a way to list amounts of tickets per a custom field value; similar to how the quicksearch portlet shows queues and how many tickets are in them. E.G. I have a custom field for tickets called “Client” so I can record which client the ticket is for. I need a list for the dashboard to show something like:

		open	stalled

Client 1 3 6
Client 2 1 0
Client 3 4 9

I have tried using a chart however a crucial feature I need is to be able to click on the client and be sent to a search page with all their tickets, and I don’t know if charts can be made with links like that.

I looked at the wiki page on writing portlets and also the mason template for the quicksearch portlet but it is over my head. I have a tiny bit of perl experience but I’m wondering if someone has written a similar script or could point me in the right direction.


Roman Massey