Order By Then By

Does RT give you the ability to sort results with an Order By, Then By?

eg. Order by Severity, then by Priority or something like that?

If I then had 4 Sev-1 issues they would all show at the top, but then
be ordered by their individual priority.

When I order by Priority and all priority is set to zero, there
doesn’t appear to be a sort order applied (at least I can’t tell what
it is ordering by.) But I’d like to order by one field, and where all
results are equal for many tickets for that field, order by another.


Adam Smith
Platform Operations Team Leader
Venda, Ltd.

Does RT give you the ability to sort results with an Order By, Then By?

Yes, presuming you’re using a recentish RT 3.6 or RT 3.8. You’d see four
sets of dropdowns in the part of the UI where you set sort order.
