Only customfield doesn't work with create ticket using RT::Client::REST

I want to create in cli a ticket using RT::Client::REST. This works well but only the customfield assigment isn’t well

Here is my code , i extended the example and tried serval options at the customfield section.

– – create an RT ticket.

use strict;
use warnings;

use RT::Client::REST;
use RT::Client::REST::Ticket;

unless (@ARGV >= 5) {
die “Usage: $0 username password queue owner subject customfield ticket-id-for-link\n”;

my $rt = RT::Client::REST->new(
server => ($ENV{RTSERVER} || ‘’),
username=> $ARGV[0],
password=> $ARGV[1],

my $text = ‘’;

my $ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(
rt => $rt,
queue => $ARGV[2], # This is the name of the queue (not numeric id)
owner => $ARGV[3], # Username of the owner
subject => $ARGV[4],
status => “new”, # “new”, “open”, “resolved”, “stalled”, “rejected”, and “deleted”
cc => [qw(],
# A list of e-mail addresses used to notify people of ‘correspond’
cf => {
‘field one’ => [$ARGV[5]], # Customfield
)->store(text => $text);

my $new_ticket_id = $ticket->id ;
print "Created a new ticket, ID ", $new_ticket_id, “\n”;

– Create a link between two tickets. A link type can be one of the following:
– DependsOn
– DependedOnBy
– RefersTo
– ReferredToBy
– HasMember
– MemberOf

my $type = “MemberOf” ;
$rt->link_tickets (src => $new_ticket_id, dst => $ARGV[6], link_type => $type);

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper($ticket);