Offline Tool + Custom Fields

Hello All,

Is there a way to create ticket’s, with custom fields, through Offline Tool?! I tried to use like CustomField.{Name} but it didn’t work!!

Thanks in advance,

Rodolfo de Moraes Reis
Diretoria de Soluções de
Inteligência de Negócios
CPqD Telecom & IT Solutions
Tel.: +55 19 3705-5986
Fax: +55 19 3705-6786

Is there a way to create ticket’s, with custom fields, through Offline Tool?! I tried to use like
CustomField.{Name} but it didn’t work!!

Here you go. Hopefully this will improve my karma and someone will
help me with a solution to my transactional custom fields + scrip

BTW, this is in the wiki.

Create Ticket

my $Ticket=new RT::Ticket($RT::SystemUser);

Create the ticket

my ($ticket, $trans, $msg) = $Ticket->Create(Queue => ‘helpdesk’,
Owner => ‘chris’,
Subject => $ticket_subject,
Status => ‘new’,
Requestor => [
‘’ ],
AdminCc => [ ‘’ ],
Priority => 20,
FinalPriority => 60,

Add the customer’s contact details to the ticket in the form of a Comment

$Ticket->Comment( Content => $contact_details );

Load custom field

my $CustomField = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
$CustomField->LoadByNameAndQueue(Queue => $Ticket->Queue, Name =>

Add the primary key from Helpdesk::DB::Incidents to the ticket

$Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $CustomField->id, Value => $somevalue );

