Moving keyword branches

What’s the most graceful way (if there is one) to move a branch of the
Keywords tree under a different parent node? I realized I made a design
flaw in my Keyword implementation and would like to reorganize the
branches without having to reimplement what I’ve already created.


(Hey, Chip)

I’d fire up mysql and do an update where… to re-parent the ones you want
to move. I’m not sure I would call this “graceful,” but, hey.

Marc Hedlund
e: marc at precipice dot orgOn Tue, 16 Oct 2001, chip clofine wrote:

What’s the most graceful way (if there is one) to move a branch of the
Keywords tree under a different parent node? I realized I made a design
flaw in my Keyword implementation and would like to reorganize the
branches without having to reimplement what I’ve already created.


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