More on searching custom fields in RT 3.6.7

I am still trying to get custom fields not only to be shown when I am
looking at a ticked. Reading
DisplayCustomFieldsInTicketSearch - Request Tracker Wiki, I
was pointed to
ChangeDefaultRTAtAGlance - Request Tracker Wiki which seem
to address that need, but I do not seem to be able to follow the
instructions; some of the options shown I cannot find in 3.6.7. Would
that be me or the interface changed a bit since 3.6.4?

Also, I want to use my custom fields as search parameters. Instead of
having to enter the search in the Advanced Search Query window manually,
I would like to customize the search page so it is shown as one of the
possible criteria I can search by. How could I accomplish that?

I am still trying to get custom fields not only to be shown when I am
looking at a ticked. Reading
DisplayCustomFieldsInTicketSearch - Request Tracker Wiki, I
was pointed to
ChangeDefaultRTAtAGlance - Request Tracker Wiki which seem
to address that need, but I do not seem to be able to follow the
instructions; some of the options shown I cannot find in 3.6.7. Would
that be me or the interface changed a bit since 3.6.4?

Also, I want to use my custom fields as search parameters. Instead of
having to enter the search in the Advanced Search Query window manually,
I would like to customize the search page so it is shown as one of the
possible criteria I can search by. How could I accomplish that?

Global Custom Fields show up in the Query Builder automatically
Queue Custom Fields show up once you’ve selected a Queue and added it
to the search

You can control the displayed fields at the bottom of the search
building page.
