Mobile interface Questions

Hi all,

There is a login in /m/ but i only get redirected to the mobile IF after
loging in on the normal IF…

is this on purpose, or my RT is missconfigured somewhere?

Also, there is no mobile selfservice right? Would this be possible by adding
a branching logic to /m/index.html to use not _elements/menu but for example
/_elements/self/menu etc? Based on if the one who is loging in is privilaged
or not? (Or i just wish this would be so simple? (= )

Thank you.


Daniel O.T.

There is a login in /m/ but i only get redirected to the mobile IF after loging in on the
normal IF…
is this on purpose, or my RT is missconfigured somewhere?

This is a known but with the Mobile UI. There’s an in-progress branch to fix it,
I’m not sure when it will be included in a release.

Also, there is no mobile selfservice right? Would this be possible by adding a branching logic
to /m/index.html to use not _elements/menu but for example /_elements/self/menu etc? Based on
if the one who is loging in is privilaged or not? (Or i just wish this would be so simple? (=

I suspect it would require a bit of work to replicate all the
SelfService code.
