Mailgate cannot forward emails to queses after upgrade from 4.0.7 to 4.2.1 EX_TEMPFAIL error

I am seeking desperately some help to figure out the issue I am having after
upgrading from RT 4.0.7 to 4.2.1. New RT seems to working fine other than
mailgate cannot forward outside email to queues. I can send out the mail
from RT web interface without problems. Rt debug is not giving any useful

Here is the tail from sendmail’s log file

Dec 4 10:17:11 rt-dev sm-mta[13877]: rB4IHA97013875:
to=“|/opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate --debug --queue mamirtest --action correspond
–url”, (8/0),
delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=prog, pri=35334, dsn=4.0.0,
stat=Deferred: prog mailer (/bin/sh) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL

Here is the result of make testdeps RT mailgate stop working after I run
make fixdeps.
rt group (www-data) …found
bin owner (root) …found
libs owner (root) …found
libs group (bin) …found
web owner (www-data) …found
web group (www-data) …found
CLI dependencies:
Text::ParseWords …found
Term::ReadKey …found
Getopt::Long >= 2.24 …found
HTTP::Request::Common …found
Term::ReadLine …found
LWP …found
CORE dependencies:
Storable >= 2.08 …found
Encode >= 2.39 …found
Crypt::Eksblowfish …MISSING
Module::Versions::Report >= 1.05 …found
List::MoreUtils …found
Errno …found
DBI >= 1.37 …found
Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19 …found
HTTP::Message >= 6.0 …MISSING
Text::Password::Pronounceable …found
Devel::GlobalDestruction …found
Time::ParseDate …found
IPC::Run3 …found
Tree::Simple >= 1.04 …found
HTML::Scrubber >= 0.08 …found
HTML::Quoted …found
Sys::Syslog >= 0.16 …found
Mail::Mailer >= 1.57 …found
HTML::Mason >= 1.43 …found
HTML::Entities …found
LWP::Simple …found
Symbol::Global::Name >= 0.04 …MISSING
DateTime::Format::Natural >= 0.67 …MISSING
Plack >= 1.0002 …MISSING
File::Glob …found
Class::Accessor >= 0.34 …found
Text::Wrapper …found
Regexp::Common::net::CIDR …found
Log::Dispatch >= 2.30 …MISSING
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables …MISSING
DateTime >= 0.44 …found
CGI::Emulate::PSGI …found
Text::Quoted >= 2.07 …MISSING
Regexp::IPv6 …found
CGI >= 3.38 …found
CSS::Squish >= 0.06 …found
DateTime::Locale >= 0.40 …found
CGI::PSGI >= 0.12 …found
Apache::Session >= 1.53 …found
Digest::SHA …found
HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler >= 0.52 …found
MIME::Entity >= 5.504 …MISSING
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >= 0.32 …found
Module::Refresh >= 0.03 …MISSING
Role::Basic >= 0.12 …MISSING
Digest::base …found
File::Temp >= 0.19 …found
Date::Manip …MISSING
Locale::Maketext >= 1.06 …found
HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.05 …MISSING
Text::Template >= 1.44 …found
CGI::Cookie >= 1.20 …found
Scalar::Util …found
XML::RSS >= 1.05 …found
File::Spec >= 0.8 …found
Text::WikiFormat >= 0.76 …found
DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.65 …MISSING
File::ShareDir …found
Regexp::Common …found
Digest::MD5 >= 2.27 …found
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks >= 0.14 …MISSING
Mail::Header >= 2.12 …MISSING
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy >= 0.11 …MISSING
Time::HiRes …found
Email::Address::List …MISSING
Net::CIDR …found
JSON …found
UNIVERSAL::require …found
Email::Address >= 1.897 …MISSING
Plack::Handler::Starlet …found
DASHBOARDS dependencies:
URI::QueryParam …found
URI >= 1.59 …found
MIME::Types …found
FASTCGI dependencies:
FCGI::ProcManager …found
FCGI >= 0.74 …found
GD dependencies:
GD::Text …found
GD …found
GD::Graph >= 1.47 …MISSING
GPG dependencies:
File::Which …MISSING
PerlIO::eol …found
GnuPG::Interface …found
ICAL dependencies:
Data::ICal …found
MAILGATE dependencies:
Pod::Usage …found
LWP::UserAgent >= 6.0 …MISSING
Crypt::SSLeay …MISSING
Getopt::Long …found
LWP::Protocol::https …found
Mozilla::CA …MISSING
PG dependencies:
DBD::Pg >= 1.43 …found
SMIME dependencies:
String::ShellQuote …MISSING
File::Which …MISSING
Crypt::X509 …MISSING
USERLOGO dependencies:
Convert::Color …found

MAILGATE missing dependencies:
LWP::UserAgent >= 6.0 …MISSING
Mozilla::CA …MISSING
Crypt::SSLeay …MISSING
SMIME missing dependencies:
Crypt::X509 …MISSING
File::Which …MISSING
String::ShellQuote …MISSING
GPG missing dependencies:
File::Which …MISSING
GD missing dependencies:
GD::Graph >= 1.47 …MISSING
CORE missing dependencies:
Text::Quoted >= 2.07 …MISSING
DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.65 …MISSING
Crypt::Eksblowfish …MISSING
MIME::Entity >= 5.504 …MISSING
Symbol::Global::Name >= 0.04 …MISSING
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks >= 0.14 …MISSING
DateTime::Format::Natural >= 0.67 …MISSING
Plack >= 1.0002 …MISSING
Module::Refresh >= 0.03 …MISSING
Role::Basic >= 0.12 …MISSING
Mail::Header >= 2.12 …MISSING
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy >= 0.11 …MISSING
Email::Address::List …MISSING
HTTP::Message >= 6.0 …MISSING
Log::Dispatch >= 2.30 …MISSING
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables …MISSING
Date::Manip …MISSING
HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.05 …MISSING
Email::Address >= 1.897 …MISSING

Perl library path for /usr/bin/perl:

View this message in context:

Seems your missing allot of dependencies, using make fixdeps can help
fixing those but to my experience at some point you have to just manually
resolve/install those dependencies.

To do so you use this command:

coan -i LWP::UserAgent
coan -i Mozilla::CA
coan -i Net::SSL
coan -i Crypt::SSLeay

When executing these, one by one, you might find that there are other
dependencies missing before perl installs the packet you need. So
basically, this takes time and in between you need to run make testdeps to
see which other dependencies you need to manually install. Or try make
fixdeps to see if it can go further then before, but I found just duing
this by hand is the more succesful method.

EIther way, trial and error, keep at it untill all dependencies are
resolved. Good luck!2013/12/10 mamir

I am seeking desperately some help to figure out the issue I am having
upgrading from RT 4.0.7 to 4.2.1. New RT seems to working fine other
mailgate cannot forward outside email to queues. I can send out the mail
from RT web interface without problems. Rt debug is not giving any useful

Here is the tail from sendmail’s log file

Dec 4 10:17:11 rt-dev sm-mta[13877]: rB4IHA97013875:
to=“|/opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate --debug --queue mamirtest --action correspond
–url”, (8/0),
delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=prog, pri=35334, dsn=4.0.0,
stat=Deferred: prog mailer (/bin/sh) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL

Here is the result of make testdeps RT mailgate stop working after I run
make fixdeps.
rt group (www-data) …found
bin owner (root) …found
libs owner (root) …found
libs group (bin) …found
web owner (www-data) …found
web group (www-data) …found
CLI dependencies:
Text::ParseWords …found
Term::ReadKey …found
Getopt::Long >= 2.24 …found
HTTP::Request::Common …found
Term::ReadLine …found
LWP …found
CORE dependencies:
Storable >= 2.08 …found
Encode >= 2.39 …found
Crypt::Eksblowfish …MISSING
Module::Versions::Report >= 1.05 …found
List::MoreUtils …found
Errno …found
DBI >= 1.37 …found
Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19 …found
HTTP::Message >= 6.0 …MISSING
Text::Password::Pronounceable …found
Devel::GlobalDestruction …found
Time::ParseDate …found
IPC::Run3 …found
Tree::Simple >= 1.04 …found
HTML::Scrubber >= 0.08 …found
HTML::Quoted …found
Sys::Syslog >= 0.16 …found
Mail::Mailer >= 1.57 …found
HTML::Mason >= 1.43 …found
HTML::Entities …found
LWP::Simple …found
Symbol::Global::Name >= 0.04 …MISSING
DateTime::Format::Natural >= 0.67 …MISSING
Plack >= 1.0002 …MISSING
File::Glob …found
Class::Accessor >= 0.34 …found
Text::Wrapper …found
Regexp::Common::net::CIDR …found
Log::Dispatch >= 2.30 …MISSING
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables …MISSING
DateTime >= 0.44 …found
CGI::Emulate::PSGI …found
Text::Quoted >= 2.07 …MISSING
Regexp::IPv6 …found
CGI >= 3.38 …found
CSS::Squish >= 0.06 …found
DateTime::Locale >= 0.40 …found
CGI::PSGI >= 0.12 …found
Apache::Session >= 1.53 …found
Date::Extract >= 0.02 …MISSING
Digest::SHA …found
HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler >= 0.52 …found
MIME::Entity >= 5.504 …MISSING
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >= 0.32 …found
Module::Refresh >= 0.03 …MISSING
Role::Basic >= 0.12 …MISSING
Digest::base …found
File::Temp >= 0.19 …found
Date::Manip …MISSING
Locale::Maketext >= 1.06 …found
HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.05 …MISSING
Text::Template >= 1.44 …found
CGI::Cookie >= 1.20 …found
Scalar::Util …found
XML::RSS >= 1.05 …found
File::Spec >= 0.8 …found
Text::WikiFormat >= 0.76 …found
DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.65 …MISSING
File::ShareDir …found
Regexp::Common …found
Digest::MD5 >= 2.27 …found
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks >= 0.14 …MISSING
Mail::Header >= 2.12 …MISSING
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy >= 0.11 …MISSING
Time::HiRes …found
Email::Address::List …MISSING
Net::CIDR …found
JSON …found
UNIVERSAL::require …found
Email::Address >= 1.897 …MISSING
Plack::Handler::Starlet …found
DASHBOARDS dependencies:
URI::QueryParam …found
URI >= 1.59 …found
MIME::Types …found
FASTCGI dependencies:
FCGI::ProcManager …found
FCGI >= 0.74 …found
GD dependencies:
GD::Text …found
GD …found
GD::Graph >= 1.47 …MISSING
GPG dependencies:
File::Which …MISSING
PerlIO::eol …found
GnuPG::Interface …found
ICAL dependencies:
Data::ICal …found
MAILGATE dependencies:
Pod::Usage …found
LWP::UserAgent >= 6.0 …MISSING
Crypt::SSLeay …MISSING
Getopt::Long …found
LWP::Protocol::https …found
Mozilla::CA …MISSING
PG dependencies:
DBD::Pg >= 1.43 …found
SMIME dependencies:
String::ShellQuote …MISSING
File::Which …MISSING
Crypt::X509 …MISSING
USERLOGO dependencies:
Convert::Color …found

MAILGATE missing dependencies:
LWP::UserAgent >= 6.0 …MISSING
Mozilla::CA …MISSING
Crypt::SSLeay …MISSING
SMIME missing dependencies:
Crypt::X509 …MISSING
File::Which …MISSING
String::ShellQuote …MISSING
GPG missing dependencies:
File::Which …MISSING
GD missing dependencies:
GD::Graph >= 1.47 …MISSING
CORE missing dependencies:
Text::Quoted >= 2.07 …MISSING
DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.65 …MISSING
Crypt::Eksblowfish …MISSING
MIME::Entity >= 5.504 …MISSING
Date::Extract >= 0.02 …MISSING
Symbol::Global::Name >= 0.04 …MISSING
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks >= 0.14 …MISSING
DateTime::Format::Natural >= 0.67 …MISSING
Plack >= 1.0002 …MISSING
Module::Refresh >= 0.03 …MISSING
Role::Basic >= 0.12 …MISSING
Mail::Header >= 2.12 …MISSING
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy >= 0.11 …MISSING
Email::Address::List …MISSING
HTTP::Message >= 6.0 …MISSING
Log::Dispatch >= 2.30 …MISSING
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables …MISSING
Date::Manip …MISSING
HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.05 …MISSING
Email::Address >= 1.897 …MISSING

Perl library path for /usr/bin/perl:

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Sent from the Request Tracker - User mailing list archive at

Bart G.