Issues with FullTextSearch in Request Tracker 5


I’ve successfully enabled FullTextSearch in Request Tracker 5 with the following configuration in

Set( %FullTextSearch,
    Enable     => 1,
    Indexed    => 1,
    Table      => 'AttachmentsIndex',
    Column     => 'Content',

After that, I ran the indexer:


However, I’m encountering two issues:

  1. Some words are found during a search, while others are not. I don’t understand why this is happening.
  2. Is it possible to search for text within plain .txt files attached to tickets?

I’d appreciate any insights or suggestions to resolve these problems.

Thanks in advance!

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  1. You need to run the following command in cron:

*/15 * * * * /opt/rt5/sbin/rt-fulltext-indexer --quiet

Additionally, every time you perform a search, the Status = ‘Active’ filter is added by default. This limits the results to open tickets. (I am currently looking for a solution to remove this default filter. If anyone has suggestions, please share!)

  1. No.

Take care about memory consumption of this process. I’ve had had a ticket with 33k responses due to a mail loop problem so indexing ended killing Apache.
Check first in database with the following select:

select objectid, count(id) as total \
from transactions \
where objecttype = 'RT::Ticket' and type = 'Correspond' \
group by objectid \
order by total desc \
limit 10;

If numbers in total column seems ok, not thousands, lets go!

I didn’t know it works only on active status, so you can resolve/close problematic tickets first or delete them with rt-shredder (this is what I did so no problematic ticket can be reopened :wink: ).