Additionally, every time you perform a search, the Status = ‘Active’ filter is added by default. This limits the results to open tickets. (I am currently looking for a solution to remove this default filter. If anyone has suggestions, please share!)
Take care about memory consumption of this process. I’ve had had a ticket with 33k responses due to a mail loop problem so indexing ended killing Apache.
Check first in database with the following select:
select objectid, count(id) as total \
from transactions \
where objecttype = 'RT::Ticket' and type = 'Correspond' \
group by objectid \
order by total desc \
limit 10;
If numbers in total column seems ok, not thousands, lets go!
I didn’t know it works only on active status, so you can resolve/close problematic tickets first or delete them with rt-shredder (this is what I did so no problematic ticket can be reopened ).