Hello All,
I am new to RT and I am installing it.
Can someone give me some information on
the following:
Email support, I’m still tryint to figure out the
email. Can someone give me an example
of the aliases file…Thanks
Login… Can I use nis for authitication
so anyone in the password file or nis can
login vs. creating an account.
Register… Anyway that a person can
register and be give access.
On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 05:56:14PM -0500, James Wade emailed:
Hello All,
Email support, I’m still tryint to figure out the
email. Can someone give me an example
of the aliases file…Thanks
Login… Can I use nis for authitication
so anyone in the password file or nis can
login vs. creating an account.
Register… Anyway that a person can
register and be give access.
for #2 & #3 there’s an old contrib rt-1.0.3/contrib/ns_authentication.patch
I never tried it, you may want to check the archives to see if people have
used it successfully.
for #1
I usually setup these three first and then add more queues:
rt: |“/path/to/lrt/bin/rt-mailgate general correspond”
rt-action: |“/path/to/rt/bin/rt-mailgate general action”
:|“/path/to/rt/bin/rt-mailgate correspond”