Install... Almost there!

So I’ve been working on my first install of RT, and I’m getting very close, but I seem to be stuck at this point. I’m attempting to install 4.0.1

Here was my configuration: (password is removed)

./configure --with-db-type=Pg --with-db-database=rt --with-db-host=stdb3.vmstage --with-db-rt-user=rt --with-db-rt-pass=******** --with-web-user=apache --with-web-group=apache --with-rt-group=rt --enable-graphviz --enable-gd --disable-gpg

make testdeps - ran fine (after much work on the system)
see below for a cut and paste of it

As you can see I’m using postgres, it’s already set up and working, I’ve put no restrictions on it (grant all):
psql -h stdb3.vmstage -W -U rt rt
Password for user rt:
Welcome to psql 8.1.23 (server 8.3.11), the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit

WARNING: You are connected to a server with major version 8.3,
but your psql client is major version 8.1. Some backslash commands,
such as \d, might not work properly.


I did this sed -n '/Set/s/^/# /p' >> so that I could get all the possible options in my SiteConfig. Then uncommented the ones I wanted to make sure were correct. I’ve placed a copy of it below as well. (password is removed)

the problem is showing up with the “make initialize-database” command:

make initialize-database
/usr/bin/perl -I/opt/rt4/local/lib -I/opt/rt4/lib sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --prompt-for-dba-password
weaken is only available with the XS version of Scalar::Util at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/Web/ line 57
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/Web/ line 57.
Compilation failed in require at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/ line 68.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/ line 68.
Compilation failed in require at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 54.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 54.
Compilation failed in require at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 55.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 55.
Compilation failed in require at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 63.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 63.
Compilation failed in require at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 73.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 73.
Compilation failed in require at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 77.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 77.
Compilation failed in require at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 85.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/ line 85.
Compilation failed in require at /root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/ line 395.
make: *** [initialize-database] Error 9

Thank you for your help, I’ve been wrestling with it for a while now

make testdeps
/usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies --verbose --with-Pg --with-fastcgi
>=5.8.3(5.8.8) …found
rt group (rt) …found
bin owner (root) …found
libs owner (root) …found
libs group (bin) …found
web owner (apache) …found
web group (apache) …found
CLI dependencies:
Term::ReadKey …found
Getopt::Long >= 2.24 …found
HTTP::Request::Common …found
Term::ReadLine …found
Text::ParseWords …found
LWP …found
CORE dependencies:
DateTime >= 0.44 …found
Class::ReturnValue >= 0.40 …found
Text::Quoted >= 2.02 …found
Regexp::IPv6 …found
CSS::Squish >= 0.06 …found
Encode >= 2.39 …found
DateTime::Locale >= 0.40 …found
Module::Versions::Report >= 1.05 …found
MIME::Entity >= 5.425 …found
Digest::SHA …found
List::MoreUtils …found
DBI >= 1.37 …found
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >= 0.32 …found
Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19 …found
Digest::base …found
Text::Password::Pronounceable …found
Devel::GlobalDestruction …found
Time::ParseDate …found
File::Temp >= 0.19 …found
Locale::Maketext >= 1.06 …found
Tree::Simple >= 1.04 …found
Text::Template >= 1.44 …found
Scalar::Util …found
HTML::Quoted …found
HTML::Scrubber >= 0.08 …found
File::Spec >= 0.8 …found
DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.59 …found
Sys::Syslog >= 0.16 …found
Mail::Mailer >= 1.57 …found
File::ShareDir …found
Regexp::Common …found
Digest::MD5 >= 2.27 …found
HTML::Entities …found
Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry …found
File::Glob …found
Class::Accessor >= 0.34 …found
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy …found
Time::HiRes …found
Text::Wrapper …found
Regexp::Common::net::CIDR …found
Net::CIDR …found
Log::Dispatch >= 2.23 …found
UNIVERSAL::require …found
Email::Address …found
DASHBOARDS dependencies:
HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.04 …found
MIME::Types …found
FASTCGI dependencies:
FCGI::ProcManager …found
FCGI …found
GD dependencies:
GD::Text …found
GD …found
GD::Graph …found
GRAPHVIZ dependencies:
IPC::Run …found
GraphViz …found
ICAL dependencies:
Data::ICal …found
MAILGATE dependencies:
Pod::Usage …found
HTML::TreeBuilder …found
Getopt::Long …found
HTML::FormatText …found
LWP::UserAgent …found
MASON dependencies:
Storable >= 2.08 …found
CSS::Squish >= 0.06 …found
Apache::Session >= 1.53 …found
Errno …found
Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19 …found
JavaScript::Minifier …found
IPC::Run3 …found
CGI::Cookie >= 1.20 …found
Text::WikiFormat >= 0.76 …found
XML::RSS >= 1.05 …found
HTML::Mason >= 1.43 …found
Digest::MD5 >= 2.27 …found
JSON …found
POSTGRESQL dependencies:
DBD::Pg >= 1.43 …found
PSGI dependencies:
CGI::Emulate::PSGI …found
CGI >= 3.38 …found
CGI::PSGI >= 0.12 …found
HTML::Mason::PSGIHandler >= 0.52 …found
Plack >= 0.9971 …found
Plack::Handler::Starlet …found
SMTP dependencies:
Net::SMTP …found
USERLOGO dependencies:
Convert::Color …found

All dependencies have been found.

cat /opt/rt4/etc/

Any configuration directives you include here will override

RT’s default configuration file,

To include a directive here, just copy the equivalent statement

from and change the value. We’ve included a single

sample value below.

This file is actually a perl module, so you can include valid

perl code, as well.

The converse is also true, if this file isn’t valid perl, you’re

going to run into trouble. To check your SiteConfig file, use

this comamnd:

perl -c /path/to/your/etc/

You must restart your webserver after making changes to this file.

Set( $rtname, ‘’);

You must install Plugins on your own, this is only an example

of the correct syntax to use when activating them.

There should only be one @Plugins declaration in your config file.

#Set(@Plugins,(qw(RT::Extension::QuickDelete RT::Extension::CommandByMail)));

Set($rtname, “”);
Set($Organization, “”);

Set($CorrespondAddress, “”);

Set($CommentAddress, “”);

Set($WebDomain, “localhost”);

Set($WebPort, 80);# + ($< * 7274) % 32766 + ($< && 1024));

Set($WebPath, “”);

Set($Timezone, “US/Eastern”);

Set C<@Plugins> to a list of external RT plugins that should be

C<Set(@Plugins, (qw(Extension::QuickDelete RT::Extension::CommandByMail)));>

Set(@Plugins, ());

Set($DatabaseType, “Pg”);
Set($DatabaseHost, “stdb3.vmstage”);

Set($DatabaseRTHost, “localhost”);

Set($DatabasePort, “”);

Set($DatabaseUser, “rt”);
Set($DatabasePassword, q{*******});
Set($DatabaseName, q{rt});

Set($DatabaseRequireSSL, undef);

Set($LogToSyslog, “info”);

Set($LogToScreen, “info”);

Set($LogToFile, undef);

Set($LogDir, q{var/log});

Set($LogToFileNamed, “rt.log”); #log to rt.log

Set($LogStackTraces, “”);

Set(@LogToSyslogConf, ());

C<Set($EmailSubjectTagRegex, qr/(?| );>

C<Set($EmailSubjectTagRegex, qr/(| );>

# Set($EmailSubjectTagRegex, qr/\Q$rtname\E/i );

Set($OwnerEmail, “root”);

Set($LoopsToRTOwner, 1);

Set($StoreLoops, undef);

Set($MaxAttachmentSize, 10_000_000);

Set($TruncateLongAttachments, undef);

Set($DropLongAttachments, undef);

Set($RTAddressRegexp, undef);

# Set($CanonicalizeEmailAddressMatch, ‘$’);

# Set($CanonicalizeEmailAddressReplace, ‘’);

Set this to 1 and the create new user page will use the values that

Set($CanonicalizeOnCreate, 0);

Set($ValidateUserEmailAddresses, undef);

Set($ExtractSubjectTagMatch, qr/[.+? #\d+]/);

Set($ExtractSubjectTagNoMatch, ( ${RT::EmailSubjectTagRegex}

Set($MailCommand, “sendmailpipe”);

=item C<$SetOutgoingMailFrom>

C<$SetOutgoingMailFrom> tells RT to set the sender envelope to the

Set($SetOutgoingMailFrom, 0);

This option is irrelevant unless C<$SetOutgoingMailFrom> is set.

Set($OverrideOutgoingMailFrom, {

Set($DefaultMailPrecedence, “bulk”);

Set($DefaultErrorMailPrecedence, “bulk”);

Set($UseOriginatorHeader, 1);

via RT". Setting C<$UseFriendlyFromLine> to 0 disables it.

Set($UseFriendlyFromLine, 1);

Set($FriendlyFromLineFormat, “"%s via RT" <%s>”);

Set($UseFriendlyToLine, 0);

Set($FriendlyToLineFormat, “"%s of “. RT->Config->Get(‘rtname’) .” Ticket #%s":;”);

behavior, Set C<$NotifyActor> to 1

Set($NotifyActor, 0);

Set($RecordOutgoingEmail, 1);

Setting these options enables VERP support

# Set($VERPPrefix, “rt-”);

# Set($VERPDomain, $RT::Organization);

Set($ForwardFromUser, 0);

Set($DashboardAddress, “”);

Set($DashboardSubject, “%s Dashboard: %s”);

Set(@EmailDashboardRemove, ());

C<Set($SendmailArguments,“-oi -t -ODeliveryMode=b -OErrorMode=m”);>

Set($SendmailArguments, “-oi -t”);

Set($SendmailBounceArguments, ‘-f “<>”’);

Set($SendmailPath, “/usr/sbin/sendmail”);

Set($SMTPServer, undef);

Set($SMTPFrom, undef);

Set($SMTPDebug, 0);

Set(@MailParams, ());

Set($WebDefaultStylesheet, “aileron”);

# Set($DefaultQueue, “General”);

# Set($RememberDefaultQueue, 1);

Set($EnableReminders, 1);

Set C<@CustomFieldValuesSources> to a list of class names which extend

Set(@CustomFieldValuesSources, ());

Set C<$CanonicalizeRedirectURLs> to 1 to use $C when

Set($CanonicalizeRedirectURLs, 0);

Set(@JSFiles, qw/

# Set($JSMinPath, “/path/to/jsmin”);

Set(@CSSFiles, qw//);

Set($UsernameFormat, “concise”);


Set($WebURL, RT->Config->Get(‘WebBaseURL’) . RT->Config->Get(‘WebPath’) . “/”);

Set($WebImagesURL, RT->Config->Get(‘WebPath’) . “/NoAuth/images/”);

Set($LogoURL, RT->Config->Get(‘WebImagesURL’) . “bpslogo.png”);

Set($LogoLinkURL, “”);

Set($LogoAltText, “Best Practical Solutions, LLC corporate logo”);

Set($LogoImageHeight, 38);

Set($LogoImageWidth, 181);

Set($WebNoAuthRegex, qr{^ (?:/+NoAuth/ | /+REST/\d+.\d+/NoAuth/) }x );

Set($SelfServiceRegex, qr!^(?:/+SelfService/)!x );

working in a multi-process (mod_perl or FastCGI) Environment. Setting

Set($WebFlushDbCacheEveryRequest, 1);


dates and time are not representative. Set C<$ChartsTimezonesInDB> to 1

Set($ChartsTimezonesInDB, 0);

Set($DefaultSummaryRows, 10);

Set($HomePageRefreshInterval, 0);

Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage Dashboards SavedSearches)]);

search pages and wrong ticket counts. Set C<$UseSQLForACLChecks> to 1

Set($UseSQLForACLChecks, undef);

Set C<$TicketsItemMapSize> to number of tickets you want RT to examine

number, RT will omit the “last” link in the menu. Set this to zero to

Set($TicketsItemMapSize, 1000);

Set($SearchResultsRefreshInterval, 0);

Set ($DefaultSearchResultFormat, qq{

Set($DefaultSelfServiceSearchResultFormat, qq{


Set($OnlySearchActiveTicketsInSimpleSearch, 1);

Set($SearchResultsAutoRedirect, 0);

Set($ShowMoreAboutPrivilegedUsers, 0);

Set($MoreAboutRequestorTicketList, “Active”);

Set($MoreAboutRequestorExtraInfo, “”);

Set($MoreAboutRequestorGroupsLimit, 0);

Set($UseSideBySideLayout, 1);

Set($EditCustomFieldsSingleColumn, 0);

Set($ShowUnreadMessageNotifications, 0);

Set($AutocompleteOwners, 0);

Set($UserAutocompleteFields, {

Should unprivileged users be allowed to autocomplete users. Setting

Set($AllowUserAutocompleteForUnprivileged, 0);

Set($DisplayTicketAfterQuickCreate, 0);

Support implicit links in WikiText custom fields? Setting this to 1

Set($WikiImplicitLinks, 0);

Set C<$PreviewScripMessages> to 1 if the scrips preview on the ticket

Set($PreviewScripMessages, 0);

Set($SimplifiedRecipients, 0);

Set this to 1 to display the Articles interface on the Ticket Create

Set($ArticleOnTicketCreate, 0);

Set this to 1 to hide the search and include boxes from the Article

Set($HideArticleSearchOnReplyCreate, 0);

Set($MessageBoxWidth, undef);

Set($MessageBoxHeight, 15);

Set($MessageBoxWrap, “SOFT”);

Set($MessageBoxRichText, 1);

Set($MessageBoxRichTextHeight, 200);

Set($MessageBoxIncludeSignature, 1);

included in Comments. Setting this to false overrides

Set($MessageBoxIncludeSignatureOnComment, 1);

Set($OldestTransactionsFirst, 1);

# Set($DeferTransactionLoading, 1);

Set($ShowBccHeader, 0);

Set($TrustHTMLAttachments, undef);

Set($AlwaysDownloadAttachments, undef);

Set($AttachmentUnits, undef);

Set($PreferRichText, undef);

Set($MaxInlineBody, 12000);

updates inline. Set this variable to 0 if you’d like to disable that

Set($ShowTransactionImages, 1);

Set($PlainTextPre, 0);

Set C<$PlainTextMono> to 1 to use monospaced font and preserve

Set($PlainTextMono, 0);

Set($SuppressInlineTextFiles, undef);

Set(@Active_MakeClicky, qw());

Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs, undef);

Set C<$UseTransactionBatch> to 1 to execute transactions in batches,

Set($UseTransactionBatch, 1);

Set($StrictLinkACL, 1);

Set($RedistributeAutoGeneratedMessages, “privileged”);

Set($ApprovalRejectionNotes, 1);

Set($DisallowExecuteCode, 0);

Set($Framebusting, 1);

Set($WebExternalAuth, undef);

Set($WebExternalAuthContinuous, 1);

Set($WebFallbackToInternalAuth, undef);

Set($WebExternalGecos, undef);

Set($WebExternalAuto, undef);

Set($AutoCreate, undef);

# Set($WebSessionClass, “Apache::Session::File”);

Set($AutoLogoff, 0);

Set($LogoutRefresh, 1);

Set($WebSecureCookies, 0);

passwords. Setting it to 0 disables this check.

Set($MinimumPasswordLength, 5);

Set(@LexiconLanguages, qw(*));

Set(@EmailInputEncodings, qw(utf-8 iso-8859-1 us-ascii));

Set($EmailOutputEncoding, “utf-8”);

C<Set($DateTimeFormat, “LocalizedDateTime”);>

C<Set($DateTimeFormat, { Format => “ISO”, Seconds => 0 });>

C<Set($DateTimeFormat, “RFC2822”);>

C<Set($DateTimeFormat, { Format => “RFC2822”, Seconds => 0, DayOfWeek => 0 });>

Set($DateTimeFormat, “DefaultFormat”);

Set this to 1 if your local date convention looks like “dd/mm/yy”

Set($DateDayBeforeMonth, 1);

Set C<$AmbiguousDayInPast> for the last date, or

Set($AmbiguousDayInPast, 0);

Set($AmbiguousDayInFuture, 0);

Set($DefaultTimeUnitsToHours, 0);

Set C to ‘inline’ to use inline encryption and

Set C to false if you don’t want to reject

Set C to false if you don’t want to reject letters




Set($ShowRTPortal, 1);


Set($DevelMode, “0”);

Set($RecordBaseClass, “DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable”);

Set(@MasonParameters, (preamble => ‘my $p = MasonX::Profiler->new($m, $r);’));

Set(@MasonParameters, ());

Set($StatementLog, undef);

one transaction and run one scrip. Set this value to 1 if you want

Set($LinkTransactionsRun1Scrip, 0);

weaken is only available with the XS version of Scalar::Util at
/root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/Web/ line 57

You’re using RH Scalar::Util? Try installing the CPAN version.

I did this sed -n '/Set/s/^/# /p' >> so that I could get all
the possible options in my SiteConfig. Then uncommented the ones I wanted to make sure were
correct. I’ve placed a copy of it below as well. (password is removed)

Don’t do this, only copy what you want to change. Otherwise you miss
updates to defaults and are unable to tell what you’ve
modified from stock.

weaken is only available with the XS version of Scalar::Util at
/root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/Web/ line 57

You’re using a vendor provided Scalar::Util module that doesn’t have
the function we need. Install it from cpan or from an up-to-date
vendor package that doesn’t have this bug.


Thank you for your responses… I’m not much of a perl person so the CPAN module thing is a little new to me. I’ve put in what I know from it below. As far as I can tell it is using the CPAN module… is there somewhere I need to look and see if something is conflicting?

This is what looks right to me:

cpanm Scalar::Util

Scalar::Util is up to date. (1.23)

Kevin Falcone:

You’re using a vendor provided Scalar::Util module that doesn’t have the function we need. Install it from cpan or from an up-to-date vendor package that doesn’t have this bug.
Emmanuel Lacour:
You’re using RH Scalar::Util? Try installing the CPAN version.

Kevin Falcone:

Don’t do this, only copy what you want to change. Otherwise you miss updates to defaults and are unable to tell what you’ve modified from stock.

Which is why I’ve commented out everything I’m not using. I’ll be able to tell what I’ve changed from stock by what isn’t commented out. Note the "# " in the sed commandFrom: [] On Behalf Of Emmanuel Lacour
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Install… Almost there!!!

weaken is only available with the XS version of Scalar::Util at
/root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/Web/ line 57

You’re using RH Scalar::Util? Try installing the CPAN version.

From: [] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Install… Almost there!!!

I did this sed -n '/Set/s/^/# /p' >> so that I could get all
the possible options in my SiteConfig. Then uncommented the ones I wanted to make sure were
correct. I’ve placed a copy of it below as well. (password is

Don’t do this, only copy what you want to change. Otherwise you miss updates to defaults and are unable to tell what you’ve modified from stock.

weaken is only available with the XS version of Scalar::Util at
/root/hold/rt-4.0.1/sbin/…/lib/RT/Interface/Web/ line 57

You’re using a vendor provided Scalar::Util module that doesn’t have the function we need. Install it from cpan or from an up-to-date vendor package that doesn’t have this bug.


Thank you for your responses… I’m not much of a perl person so the CPAN module thing is a little new to me. I’ve put in what I know from it below. As far as I can tell it is using the CPAN module… is there somewhere I need to look and see if something is conflicting?

This is what looks right to me:

cpanm Scalar::Util

Scalar::Util is up to date. (1.23)

cpanm --force Scalar::Util

Kevin Falcone:

Don’t do this, only copy what you want to change. Otherwise you miss updates to defaults and are unable to tell what you’ve modified from stock.

Which is why I’ve commented out everything I’m not using. I’ll be able to tell what I’ve changed from stock by what isn’t commented out. Note the "# " in the sed command

But you’ve lost all of the documentation provided in


Which is why I’ve commented out everything I’m not using. I’ll be
able to tell what I’ve changed from stock by what isn’t commented
out. Note the "# " in the sed command

I also recommend not doing this. The commented out stock values in your
siteconfig will get out of sync with when we update
defaults, add new options, or remove old ones. You’re setting yourself
up for “stock” values which don’t match reality, all for the small
convenience of not having to look at two files.


That did it! It’s installed and running great now, thanks!

But you’ve lost all of the documentation provided in

Actually the comments are still there. The command doesn’t make any changes to what I did strips the comments out and puts the rest into This way I get all the upgraded comments which I can go in and read but then when I go to make changes I don’t have to sort through a huge file. It makes it much easier if I’m testing something new. I can also look and see if there are any conflicts or problems quickly without having to scroll through a huge file with a lot of comments.

So I’m keeping the comments AND getting a easy to configure file for the changes I want to make. Plus I’ll receive all the updates to the comments I need.From: [] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Install… Almost there!!!

Thank you for your responses… I’m not much of a perl person so the CPAN module thing is a little new to me. I’ve put in what I know from it below. As far as I can tell it is using the CPAN module… is there somewhere I need to look and see if something is conflicting?

This is what looks right to me:

cpanm Scalar::Util

Scalar::Util is up to date. (1.23)

cpanm --force Scalar::Util

Kevin Falcone:

Don’t do this, only copy what you want to change. Otherwise you miss updates to defaults and are unable to tell what you’ve modified from stock.

Which is why I’ve commented out everything I’m not using. I’ll be able to tell what I’ve changed from stock by what isn’t commented out. Note the "# " in the sed command

But you’ve lost all of the documentation provided in


I also recommend not doing this. The commented out stock values in your siteconfig will get out of sync with when we update defaults, add new options, or remove old ones. You’re setting yourself up for “stock” values which don’t match reality, all for the small convenience of not having to look at two files.

This will be the case whether I do it or not. If I uncomment a value and change it then you change the value descriptor it doesn’t matter whether I’ve put in all my possible values. When we do an upgrade which should only be once a year or I’m going to have to read the release no matter what to see if something we used has changed.

The only reason an issue would arise is if the release notes were written poorly which could be the case but a simple ‘diff’ command will allow me to see any changes to this file.

I don’t take new releases lightly, especially to something as widely used as a ticketing system.-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Thomas Sibley
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Install… Almost there!!!

On 08/17/2011 10:51 AM, John Allman wrote:

Which is why I’ve commented out everything I’m not using. I’ll be able
to tell what I’ve changed from stock by what isn’t commented out. Note
the "# " in the sed command

I also recommend not doing this. The commented out stock values in your siteconfig will get out of sync with when we update defaults, add new options, or remove old ones. You’re setting yourself up for “stock” values which don’t match reality, all for the small convenience of not having to look at two files.

RT Training Sessions (

  • Chicago, IL, USA September 26 & 27, 2011
  • San Francisco, CA, USA October 18 & 19, 2011
  • Washington DC, USA October 31 & November 1, 2011
  • Melbourne VIC, Australia November 28 & 29, 2011
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