Ignoring queue AdminCC for owned tickets

Currently, each of our queues have a group of people set as the
AdminCC, so that group is emailed whenever any changes happen to the
tickets in that queue.

I want to make it more granular, so that if a ticket has an owner,
instead of emails going to the AdminCCs for the queue, it only goes to
that person, and the requestors.

Un-owned tickets should still send emails to the AdminCC list for the

Is that possible?

David X. Glover - Macintosh IT Support
Physics @ University of Oxford
Jabber/GTalk: davidcwg@jabber.ox.ac.uk

Currently, each of our queues have a group of people set as the
AdminCC, so that group is emailed whenever any changes happen to the
tickets in that queue.

I want to make it more granular, so that if a ticket has an owner,
instead of emails going to the AdminCCs for the queue, it only goes to
that person, and the requestors.

Un-owned tickets should still send emails to the AdminCC list for the

Is that possible?

Perhaps I am missing something, because that looks obvious.

Add scrips with user defined conditions.

Description: On Correspond Owned Notify Owner, Requestors
Condition: User Defined
Action: Notify Owner, Requestors *
Template: whatever you use for correspondence in this queue

Custom condition:
return 0 unless $self->TransactionObj->Type eq ‘Correspond’;
return 1 if $self->TicketObj->Owner;
return 0;

INSERT Into ScripActions(
Name, Description, ExecModule, Argument, Creator, Created, LastUpdatedBy, LastUpdated
‘Notify Owner, Requestors’, ‘Sends mail to the Owner and Requestors’, ‘Notify’, ‘Owner,Requestors’, 1, NOW(), 1, NOW()

Description: On Correspond Unowned Notify AdminCcs
Condition: User Defined
Action: Notify AdminCcs
Template: whatever you use for correspondence in this queue

Custom condition:
return 0 unless $self->TransactionObj->Type eq ‘Correspond’;
return 0 if $self->TicketObj->Owner;
return 1;

Include “or $self->TransactionObj->Type eq ‘Comment’” to taste.

Is this the RT way of doing it, or is there a more elegant way?

Eleanor J. (Piglet) Evans, eje@panix.com
Customer Support, (212) 741-4400