Wondering if anyone has seen or has a solution to
this issue:
I’m running RT 2.0.13 on a Solaris box, using Apache 1.3.24
and Oracle 9i as the back end. After some building of modules
and gnashing of teeth, I was able to get it up and running
with one curious exception: no ticket searches or user
searches yield any results.
I can create a user, no problem. But trying to grant rights to a
user never happens because they don’t appear in the selection
list. Likewise, the Configuration->Users search won’t display
a user I’ve created. (I know it’s in there somewhere, because I
can’t create another with the same name or e-mail address.)
Also, I’m having problems searching tickets. Selecting the
‘general’ queue (where things are going right now) doesn’t
list anything, and searching won’t find it, but I am able to get the
ticket by explicitly supplying the ticket number (with the
‘Goto ticket’ button.)
One issue I found was that I was getting lots of ‘ORACLE_HOME
not set’ errors in Apache’s logs. I was able to get around this
by setting the appropriate $ENV{} in the webmux.pl script, but
I’m still having the same searching problems.
Anyone run into anything like this before? Any help is appreciated.
I’m open to running mySQL as the back end, but would prefer
Oracle, since it’s my organization’s “official” database and is
backed up regularly.
Wondering if anyone has seen or has a solution to
this issue:
I’m running RT 2.0.13 on a Solaris box, using Apache 1.3.24
and Oracle 9i as the back end. After some building of modules
and gnashing of teeth, I was able to get it up and running
with one curious exception: no ticket searches or user
searches yield any results.
I can create a user, no problem. But trying to grant rights to a
user never happens because they don’t appear in the selection
list. Likewise, the Configuration->Users search won’t display
a user I’ve created. (I know it’s in there somewhere, because I
can’t create another with the same name or e-mail address.)
Also, I’m having problems searching tickets. Selecting the
‘general’ queue (where things are going right now) doesn’t
list anything, and searching won’t find it, but I am able to get the
ticket by explicitly supplying the ticket number (with the
‘Goto ticket’ button.)
One issue I found was that I was getting lots of ‘ORACLE_HOME
not set’ errors in Apache’s logs. I was able to get around this
by setting the appropriate $ENV{} in the webmux.pl script, but
I’m still having the same searching problems.
Anyone run into anything like this before? Any help is appreciated.
I’m open to running mySQL as the back end, but would prefer
Oracle, since it’s my organization’s “official” database and is
backed up regularly.
Anyone run into anything like this before? Any help is appreciated.
I’m open to running mySQL as the back end, but would prefer
Oracle, since it’s my organization’s “official” database and is
backed up regularly.
I personally haven’t used oracle with rt, but I didn’t think it was
very stable or happy. There’s a little bit of info in rtfm
(http://www.fsck.com/rtfm/factoid.html?id=94) and I know I’ve seen
mailing list traffic about it. If your heart’s set on oracle, you
should probably think about paying Best Practical for it.