Fun with custom fields

Two questions on custom fields:

(1) The Administrator Question: I’ve created a “enter multiple values”
field on a queue. When I visit Ticket/Modify.html for a
particular ticket, there’s an edit box prompting me to “enter
multiple values”. How do I do that? “One value to a line” isn’t
it; I just get one big value with multiple lines to it.

(2) The Hacker Question: I have some HTML::Mason code that gets the
list of possible values, then displays them, along with any
tickets that have that value. The code looks like:

% foreach my $value (@$Values) {    <%$value%> <%PERL> $Tickets->ClearRestrictions; $Tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => "new"); $Tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => "open"); $Tickets->LimitQueue(VALUE => "Bugs", OPERATOR => "="); $Tickets->LimitCustomField(CUSTOMFIELD => 3, OPERATOR => "=", VALUE => "$Name $value"); while (my $Ticket = $Tickets->Next) { <%$Ticket->id%> (<%$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name%>) <%$Ticket->Subject%> % }
% } <%INIT> my $Tickets = RT::Tickets->new($session{'CurrentUser'}); <%ARGS> $Class => 'oddline' $Name => undef $Values => []

Is this, in fact, the best way to do it? It feels vaguely
sluggish, though I haven’t looked into it more; I assume throwing
an index at the values of the custom field would help.

I’m also open to UI suggestions. The listing looks sort of like this:

Name 1, which is potentially quite long
Case 1: 1 (Nobody) Case 1 is broken, 2 (dmaze) Cases 1-3 need help
Case 2: 2 (dmaze) Cases 1-3 need help
Name 2, also potentially quite long
Case 3: 2 (dmaze) Cases 1-3 need help
Case 4

Right now “Name 1”, “Name 2”, “Name 3”, etc. are in alternating colors
(evenrow, oddrow); I have no good way of dealing if the list of
tickets associated with a particular case overflow. I’d also like a
more convenient way of associating a case with a ticket, rather than
forcing users to type out the full name of the name and case possibly
mult8iple times.

David Z. Maze
Research Scientist David's Home Page
MIT LCS Computer Architecture Group MIT Computer Architecture Group Home Page

David Z Maze writes:

(1) The Administrator Question: I’ve created a “enter multiple values”
field on a queue. When I visit Ticket/Modify.html for a
particular ticket, there’s an edit box prompting me to “enter
multiple values”. How do I do that? “One value to a line” isn’t
it; I just get one big value with multiple lines to it.

Maybe the thing to do is to change RT::Interface::Web;
lib/RT/Interface/ has, at line 1074 in

            my @values =
              ( ref( $ARGSRef->{$arg} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) 
              ? @{ $ARGSRef->{$arg} }
              : ( $ARGSRef->{$arg} );

so if the value entered is a single multiline string and nothing in
the intervening CGI-to-Perl interface converts it into an array ref,
it gets passed on as a single string. ‘split /\n/, $ARGSRef->{$arg}’
for the else case here might be closer to what I want.

David Maze David's Home Page
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