Fulltext-index PostgreSQL Delimiters

I’ve deployed RT 4.4.2 using PostgreSQL 9.5 and all is working with exception of a few required modifications such as enabling backslashes to be used in ticket comments (fixed this and will post shortly).

What I’m trying to figure out is how to modify rt-fulltext-indexer to use additional delimiters such as indexing all iterations of an IP address. I’m looking to be able to perform a fulltext search like this: entered into multiple ticket’s comments

Should all return tickets that include each of those iterations. By default, fulltext-indexer creates ts_vector indices based on white space separation so only ‘’ would be indexed and therefore users could only perform the first fulltext search to return results.

I’ve modified this in the past using 4.0.8 but the Perl in 4.4.2 is much different now.d