Firedaemon and Fetchmail for Windows 2003


We are running the ported RT Windows version 3.0.12 on a Windows 2003
server. The fetchmail daemon is only configured to run in a background
command shell and not a service which means that we have to lock one user
to run this process and that we manually must start fetchmail at every reboot.

I have tried to install and use Firedaemon Lite 1.5 but with no success.
Firedaemon seems to work ok, writes to log and seems to fire fetchmail but
nothing happens. I have tried to fire both the .bat file and fetchmail.exe
-f conffile directly but with no success (and it doesn’t write anything to
-L logfile). I have also tried to change ownership and access rights.

Does anybody know how to setup this to work?



  • Gunnar Petersson
  • IT Management and Programming
  • Institutionen för Medicinsk Epidemiologi och Biostatistik
  • Karolinska Institutet
  • PO Box 281
  • S-171 77 Stockholm
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