ExtractCustomFieldValues installation


I have just installed the extension ExtractCustomFieldValues but it does
not show up in the list of scrips actions.

I did the installation, added the plugin to PM_SiteConfig.pm and
restarted the server.

Any typical pitfall I might be running into ?



Philippe Fr�my
Directeur Technique
Tel : +33 1 71 18 18 42
Mob : +33 6 07 98 76 44
Fax : +33 1 42 77 81 40
Parx France SAS
43 rue Beaubourg � 75003 Paris � France

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I have just installed the extension ExtractCustomFieldValues but it does
not show up in the list of scrips actions.

I did the installation, added the plugin to PM_SiteConfig.pm and
restarted the server.

Any typical pitfall I might be running into ?

Did you run ‘make initdb’ to modify your database and insert the Scrip



I have just installed the extension ExtractCustomFieldValues but it does
not show up in the list of scrips actions.

I did the installation, added the plugin to PM_SiteConfig.pm and
restarted the server.

Any typical pitfall I might be running into ?
Did you run ‘make initdb’ to modify your database and insert the Scrip


That was the problem indeed.

Thanks for the tip.

