Stick with text. If you hack RT to export ticket history ( I have ) you will
quickly run into excel size limits, such as the number of characters that
can be stored in a cell.
Here’s how I hacked RT so that I could get ticket history in search results
so that they could be exported:
$COLUMN_MAP->{AllCorrespondence} = {
title => ‘All Correspondence’,
attribute => ‘AllCorrespondence’,
value => sub { return $_[0]->AllCorrespondence },
sub AllCorrespondenceTransactions {
my $self = shift;
my $role = shift;
my $transactions = $self->Transactions;
$transactions->Limit( SUBCLAUSE => 'type', FIELD => 'Type', VALUE =>
‘Create’ );
$transactions->Limit( SUBCLAUSE => ‘type’, FIELD => ‘Type’, VALUE =>
‘Correspond’, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => ‘OR’ );
if ( $role eq 'Requestor' ) {
my $requestor_group = $self->Requestors;
my $users = $requestor_group->UserMembersObj;
while ( my $user = $users->Next ) {
$transactions->Limit( SUBCLAUSE => 'requestors', FIELD =>
VALUE => $user->PrincipalId,
elsif ( $role eq ‘Owner’ ) {
$transactions->Limit( FIELD => ‘Creator’, VALUE =>
$self->OwnerObj->PrincipalId, ENTRYAGGREGATOR => ‘AND’ );
return $transactions;;
sub AllCorrespondence {
my $self = shift;
my $role = shift;
my $transactions = $self->AllCorrespondenceTransactions($role);
my $string = '';
while ( my $t = $transactions->Next ) {
$string .= "\n\n" . formatted($t);
return $string;
sub formatted {
my $transaction = shift;
return '' unless $transaction;
my $string = '###### On ' . $transaction->CreatedObj->AsString . ' ' .
$transaction->CreatorObj->EmailAddress . " wrote:\n\n";
$string .= $transaction->Content;
return $string;
-ToddOn 1/10/08, Prasad Deshpande wrote:
We are using RT 3.2.3 on Red Hat 9. We would like export the existing
data in a text or excel file. To do this, we have tried using the Query
builder. We are able to export the data but we could not find the field
to export ticket history ( ie. communication captured during the life
cycle of the ticket).
If somebody knows how to capture the ticket history then please let me
Thanks in Advance
Prasad Deshpande
IT Department
Phone: +91 20 27407157
Ext: 7157
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