Error in autohandler.... permission denied!

Hello There!!!

I was making some tests with External Authentication (with mod_auth_pam via Apache 2.x) and it was working fine… but, when I returned to normal authentication (via RT) appeared this error… I don’t know what is happening because I just changed the (WebExternalAuth,WebExternalAuto)… Someone has any idea about this?

error: Couldn’t create object file /opt/rt3/var/mason_data/obj/standard/autohandler: Permission denied
context: …
304: {
305: if ($tries++ == 3) {
306: $self->_compilation_error( $source->friendly_name, “Could not load or recreate object file after 3 tries” );
307: }
308: if ($objfilemod < $srcmod) {
309: $self->compiler->compile_to_file( file => $objfile, source => $source);
310: }
311: $comp = eval { $self->eval_object_code( object_file => $objfile ) };

code stack: /opt/perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.5/HTML/Mason/

Thank’s for Regards!!

Rodolfo de Moraes Reis
CPqD Telecom & IT Solutions
Tel.: +55 19 3705-5986
Fax: +55 19 3705-6786