Deleting a ticket comes with an error?


I’d like to delete a ticket in the RT tracker, but it comes with a message saying that the shredder isn’t there or set.

Does anyone know to set that up?

Your help is much appreciated.



You need to create the directory that the error is telling you isn’t present on the server

Oh ok.

Im really new to this.

How do you create the directory in a Ubuntu 20.04 for the RT tracker, I mean for this purpose of deleting tickets.



You can use the mkdir-r command

I see. But where do u save the folder to, I mean what path so RT tracker can recognize and work?


The error message in the web UI should have the whole path for you to copy no?

Something like /opt/rt5/var/mason_data/RT_Shredder

I wanted to do this again to check the error and was gone. When performing the deleting action, the ticket deleted it this time without giving any more shredder error.

All working now. Thanks for your help :v: