Debug Scrip?

Hello world, it’s me again
Perl is so sweet that he never complain, but how to know where’s a
error in a scrip?, Is there a way to learn How to do scrips?
PS: mine don’t work anymore.
thanks to all, i’m sorry to post only questions, but it will change
when i’ll be a RT guru ;-))

Ce mel a �t� envoy� avec Meloo

Hello world, it’s me again
Perl is so sweet that he never complain, but how to know where’s a
error in a scrip?, Is there a way to learn How to do scrips?

A tutorial on ScripConditions is available at .

I’m getting together one for ScripActions (and other stuff) but meetings
and moving huis is taking up my spare time.

If you find it useful/have comments etc, email me :wink:

                         Bruce Campbell                            RIPE
               Systems/Network Engineer                             NCC
    - PGP562C8B1B                      Operations