CustomFields: Default & set/change by email?


I’ve searched the mailing lists, but could not find what I was looking for.

  1. How do you set a default value for a custom field ?
    I define a field “project” with values “A”, “B”.
    I’d like to set the default to be always “B”.
    currently the default is “(no value)”

  2. How can users from wide-background (using outlook for example)
    can set custom fields by email ?
    As they use Outlook, they don’t have access to the X-… SMTP headers.

But they can insert “fake” headers at the beginning of their emails:
something like:

Does such a feature already exist ?
If not, how do you suggest it implemented ?


PS: the new QueryBuilder of 3.1.0 looks very nice.

Gilles-Eric DESCAMPS wrote:


I’ve searched the mailing lists, but could not find what I was looking for.

  1. How do you set a default value for a custom field ?
    I define a field “project” with values “A”, “B”.
    I’d like to set the default to be always “B”.
    currently the default is “(no value)”
    You could set default falues with Scrips.
  1. How can users from wide-background (using outlook for example)
    can set custom fields by email ?
    As they use Outlook, they don’t have access to the X-… SMTP headers.

But they can insert “fake” headers at the beginning of their emails:
something like:
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