Configuring Fetchmail under Windows

I configured rt-mailgate.conf as follows:

poll proto pop3:
username giri password xxxx mda
“c:/Progra~1/OurInternet/Common/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/Progra~1/Ourinternet/Reques~1/rt/bin/
–url --queue GENERAL --action correspond”

When I’m trying to start it gives me a Bad Pool caller error message
and restarting Windows 2000 server.

0x000000C2 (0x00000007, Ox00000CD4, 0x11111111, 0x891CCC48)

However if it starts it used to give me the following message:

C:\Program Files\OurInternet\Common\fetchmail>cd “C:\Program

C:\Program Files\OurInternet\Common\fetchmail\bin>type
…\rt-mailgate.conf | fetchmail.exe -N -d 300 -f -
fetchmail: removing stale lockfile
fetchmail: starting fetchmail 6.2.5 daemon
72 messages for giri at (6913002 octets).
reading message of 72 (453 octets)
fetchmail: MDA returned nonzero status 127 not flushed
reading message of 72 (32450 octets)
…fetchmail: SIGPIPE thrown from an MDA or a stream socket error
fetchmail: socket error while delivering to SMTP host
fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
fetchmail: sleeping at Wed Apr 25 10:27:34 2007

After reading some threads as they suggested to replace the cygwin1.dll file from the c:\cygwin\bin to fetchmail\bin.

Now it is able to process the emails. but after some time again I’m getting the Bad Pool Caller error message and making my computer to restart. Please if anyone had come across this kind of issue please suggest me.

Thanks in advance.


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